Sentences with phrase «unhealthy foods while»

At the moment, the U.S. government heavily subsidizes the production of unhealthy foods while providing little direct support to ranchers and farmers who are producing the kind of healthy foods we should be eating.
Many women often have cravings for rather unhealthy foods while they are pregnant.
People sometimes tease me because I don't allow my kids to eat unhealthy foods while we're at the ball field — «Just let the poor kid have a candy bar» — and I love being able to reply that my kids would much rather have fruit anyway.

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While not necessarily «unhealthy,» they were just foods that I forgot about as I paved my way in my first kitchen out on my own.
Growing up, we often ordered Chinese food, and while I have a clear memory of how delicious it was, it's obvious now how unhealthy those dishes can be.
While eating fast food and restaurant food might taste good and be convenient, it typically adds excess salt, seasonings, sugar, and unhealthy fats to your diet that you can not control.
Steer clear of cooking your tomatoes in aluminum cookware for the acidity will draw the aluminum into your food — and while unhealthy, this is also highly unpalatable.
It's also a system that encompasses a different philosophy to the traffic - light system because it encourages intake — even if limited — while red traffic lights discourage intake of unhealthy foods.
Binging on unhealthy and junk food may give you some pleasure while you are eating it, but it sure won't make you feel good afterwards.
While Dairy Queen's action to remove soda is a great first step — we urge all fast - food restaurants to further improve upon their healthy options for children and adults by serving whole grain rolls, offering more fruit and vegetable options, reducing sodium across the menu, and adopting a comprehensive policy to limit the marketing of unhealthy food to children.
See, the thing is this: I have an unhealthy love affair with unhealthy food so it is constantly my mission to make foods that kill my cravings while at the same time nourishing and enriching my body.
With that in mind, the goal around this time of the year is usually maintenance for most people while they start spending less time at the gym, and more time at birthday parties and barbecues eating unhealthy food.
I would prefer a more grounded approach, where we recognize that while Happy Meals will soon be «slightly less unhealthy», they are still far from a healthful food.
While most experts agree that pureed baby food isn't harmful to infants, avoiding sugary cereals, puff snacks, and other packaged foods can help prevent little ones from developing a taste for unhealthy food.
This means that foods served in larger portions, like lasagna and Big Macs, may inaccurately get scored as healthy, while foods served in much smaller portions, like mayonnaise, get classified as unhealthy.
This deep history can make ARFID tricky to treat, although one intervention has shown promise: exposure - response prevention, in which patients slowly reintegrate certain foods while learning to avoid their unhealthy reactions.
Some racial groups even increased their intakes of certain unhealthy foods: black Americans ate more white potatoes, while Mexican - Americans ate more refined grains.
While the types of foods we provide is certainly important, it is also important to avoid creating an association between foods (especially unhealthy ones) and happy times or fond memories.
Conversely, unhealthy foods burn like dirty fuel, even when consumed in the same quantities as the healthy stuff, and won't provide you with the nutrients your body needs to run properly, while causing you to store fat, feel gassy and bloated, low energy, have food cravings and trouble concentrating.
Yes, it is possible to do it healthfully... and yes, it is possible to turn it into another fad diet while eating a lot of unhealthy foods.
Those respondents enjoyed a powerful 25 percent reduction in their risk of coronary heart disease while those eating the unhealthy plant foods actually increased their risk by as much as 30 percent!
Healthy foods like avocado, blueberries, walnuts and kale have all been proven to promote a healthy noggin, while unhealthy foods like the ones below have all been linked...
Healthy foods like avocado, blueberries, walnuts and kale have all been proven to promote a healthy noggin, while unhealthy foods like the ones below have all been linked to negatively impacting your memory, cognitive function and emotional health.
While I do not agree with factory farms, I have many malabsorption issues which make a vegan diet an unhealthy choice for me (as I do not absorb many of the nutrients in these foods).
While some companies think anything made on earth is considered natural, in the real world we know processed foods are fake and unhealthy.
After a while your craving for unhealthy food will vanish or at least decrease.
Eating for a healthy heart means filling your plate with heart - healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, increasing fiber intake, eating fish a few times a week, and eating healthy fats, while limiting unhealthy fats like trans fats, as well as salt.
While most of us know by now that processed foods often contain a host of unhealthy additives, from fake flavors and colors to chemical preservatives, what do we know about fresh produce?
Eliminating other unhealthy foods did not seem to be such a sacrifice while doing it slowly (except for the Diet Coke — that was a gradual and painful reduction!).
Grabbing a quick sandwich while walking to a meeting or eating a protein bar in the car, while sometimes more convenient than sitting down to an actual meal, leads to unhealthy food choices, not feeling satisfied (which leads to overeating later), nutrient deficiency, and stress.
While the diet of the vegans in this study was not optimal, so was the diet of the meat eater, and there is no reason to assume that vegans consumed less «healthy» food or more «unhealthy processed» food than the meat eaters.
While it is without a doubt best to avoid these unhealthy triggers, healthy foods like beans and broccoli can cause gas too, thanks to their high fiber content.
While all diet plans mentioned in the section above promote intake of different food groups, while limiting junk foods and other unhealthy alternatives, they don't banish meat inWhile all diet plans mentioned in the section above promote intake of different food groups, while limiting junk foods and other unhealthy alternatives, they don't banish meat inwhile limiting junk foods and other unhealthy alternatives, they don't banish meat intake.
They pretend they want to make healthier products, portray an image that they care about the effects of unhealthy food, all the while denying this connection between their products and ill health even exists.
While some snacks can add unhealthful and unwanted calories to your diet, this is only true if you eat junk food such as candy bars, cakes, chips, crackers and other processed foods, all of which are full of sugar, refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats.
By removing pro-inflammatory foods such as unhealthy (trans) fats, refined sugars and processed meats; while at the same time adding in anti-inflammatory foods high in antioxidants — the body can begin to heal.
This is why, while weight gainer and meal replacement supplements are convenient, most are vastly inferior to whole foods and even, in some ways, downright unhealthy to use regularly.
And while you don't want to deny yourself a few treats and the foods you love, it's best to cut back on unhealthy foods that are high in sugar, fat, sodium, and calories.
While delicious, all that food makes me feel sick just thinking about it — loaded with calories, fat and other unhealthy ingredients (not to mention gluten and dairy).
While those around you are touting the benefits of a low - fat diet, those around me are shocked that I would do such an unhealthy thing as remove oils and reduce high - fat whole - foods from my menu.
While not all processed foods are inherently unhealthy, many do have underlying issues that could affect your health in some negative way.
It is amazing how many people always look for the quick fix solution to remedy or enhance their health while continuing to eat unhealthy foods day in and day out.
While low - carb, high - fat diet focused on whole foods is healthy, high - fat diet could be very unhealthy if eaten with processed carbohydrates, oils, etc..
Choosing to eat more healthy foods while cutting out unhealthy, processed ones like cookies, cakes, pastries, sodas and fruit drinks is beneficial for anti-aging and weight loss success.
While you may not always be able to avoid the odd «vacation slip» on your dietary adventures, there are always choices and ways to avoid those fast food joints and unhealthy restaurants.
Major parts of the global community over consume, work their bodies less, eat unhealthy «food» while other societies are starving.
While these trends were augmented by an ever - increasing number of unhealthy changes in the lifestyles of people, they were also affected by the food choices that they were making.
While these foods are convenient for us because there is a smaller amount of fecal material to be picked up, they are unhealthy for pets.
One pet food manufacturer published an article on the Internet condemning beet pulp in pet food as unhealthy if not downright dangerous, while others are touting the benefits of the latest fiber source, pecan shells.
Blue Buffalo came to the rescue for our furry family members, developing several lines of pet food that were made with only whole, high - quality ingredients while skipping those unhealthy fillers and preservatives.
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