Sentences with phrase «unhealthy processed foods»

One major target for change is the amount of unhealthy processed foods routinely served to students.
Instead, coconut should be used in small amounts to replace refined grains, sugary foods, and other unhealthy processed foods.
It's true a plant - based diet can help you lose weight, however there are still many unhealthy processed foods even on a vegan diet that can negatively impact your health.
They then export their surpluses to the rest of the world, undercutting the millions of small farmers who actually do ensure food security and bombarding consumers with unhealthy processed foods.
5 All - Natural Recipe Substitutes For Unhealthy Processed Food.
From cupcake and ice cream parties to Froot Loop necklaces and McDonald's field trips, it felt like they were being handed unhealthy processed food left and right — the very foods that we were trying hard to avoid.
I watch uninformed families fret over which model of expensive car seat they should buy while their kids sit next to them devouring unhealthy processed food.
It makes weeding out unhealthy processed foods much easier.
While most Americans get way too much sodium in their diets, this sodium comes primarily from unhealthy processed foods, not from the salt shaker.
Instead of fluffy, nutrient - poor unhealthy processed foods, replace them with the real thing, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, raw almonds and cashews, the best protein choices (including eggs, meats, and fish), and other foods as tolerated such as cheese and other fermented dairy, beans, and lentils.
He tells readers how to easily reduce unhealthy processed foods in their diets, a key to weight loss, disease
The film exposes this myth that personal responsibility is the only thing stopping Americans from eating healthier, focusing especially on the health of children and the way the fast food industry uses manipulative marketing to hook kids on unhealthy processed foods.
Chicken nuggets are often used as an example of unhealthy processed food.
Free radicals can accumulate in your body through air pollutants, unhealthy processed food, pesticides and herbicides, medication, etc..
This generation was raised on a steady diet of fried, sugary, unhealthy processed foods, thanks in good part to Congress» disastrous policy of subsidizing corn and soy rather than fruits and vegetables.
My son attends daycare, and I also noticed the same problem with the unhealthy processed foods.
She made a MAJOR difference during her first week swapping out unhealthy processed foods for healthy, whole foods.
Which makes them unhealthy processed foods.
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