Sentences with phrase «uninsured person»

This occurred at a time when the numbers of uninsured people in other age groups increased.
Also be careful you don't get sued for negligence and accidents for uninsured people.
What about the 1 in 4 uninsured people who have insurance on their cell phone but not on themselves?
This rule change went into effect in 2016, and prevents uninsured people from moving to a new location in order to gain access to health insurance.
For hospitals, an increase in uninsured people means fewer paying customers.
The church can not handle the needs of millions of uninsured people alone and should quit taking shots at government involvement, he says.
This scenario happens to uninsured people all the time.
Knowing what the cost is for uninsured people can help consumers make an assessment of whether an insurance policy is right for them.
In the first three years after Massachusetts implemented its 2006 health care reform, which reduced the number of uninsured people in the state by roughly half, the rate of preventable hospitalizations did not decline compared with states with similar populations that did not expand health insurance coverage.
Beginning in 2014, the ACA expanded coverage to millions of previously uninsured people through the expansion of Medicaid and the establishment of Health Insurance Marketplaces.
Penalty payments from uninsured people partially offset those costs.
Uninsured people with lower incomes should see more drastic reductions than people with moderate or higher incomes.
Enrollers admit there are still many uninsured people who do not know how to choose a plan through the New York State of Health website or don't know where to go for help.
And these cost cuts will become even more critical as Obamacare ushers up to 30 million uninsured people into the health care system by 2023.
But haven't you heard, giving uninsured people anything more than a medical checkup inside an animal stall in a fairground would be the socialistic end of the world!
p.s. my town has a great community health clinic to serve low - income uninsured people.
Chad Eldred, the navigator director of the Southern Tier Independence Center, also says often in more rural communities, it is a greater challenge to get uninsured people signed up because of a lack of Internet or transportation.
This includes expanding access to Medicaid, the source of healthcare coverage for the majority of uninsured people living with HIV, under the Affordable Care Act.
For example, the Livestrong Foundation provides healthcare assistance for uninsured people facing the costs of cancer.
Staiger recommended that uninsured people ask their pharmacists if they offered a discount card or coupon.
First, the good news: for the typical uninsured person under 65, total health care bills would be $ 2,700.
«We also found that in places with more access to doctors and fewer uninsured people, people go more frequently to healthcare forums, although one might think that lack of healthcare access would make people use these forums more.
Pretty sad that a group that normally goes to third world countries to set up free health clinics had to be called in to do one for uninsured people in Virginia USA, just a stone's throw from the nation's capital.
«We know millions of previously uninsured people have been enrolled into insurance plans,» said Laurie Martin, lead author of the report and a senior policy researcher at RAND, a nonprofit research organization.
The ACA was designed to substantially increase the millions of people who newly enroll in private health insurance coverage as well as the number of companies that provide it while at the same time reducing the number of uninsured people who had previously received primary care in emergency rooms.
Between 2017 and 2026, the Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) project, the federal government will collect $ 38 billion in penalty payments from uninsured people.
The fact that she qualified only after she had health insurance struck her as a catch - 22, and she does nt feel that the income threshold for uninsured people (four times the federal poverty guidelines, or $ 58,280 for her two - person household) is high enough.
The study, «Assessing the Potential Impact of State Policies on Community Health Centers» Outreach and Enrollment Activities,» is the first to examine efforts on the front lines to find and enroll uninsured people, many of whom are living in rural and urban communities that face high poverty rates, elevated health risks and a shortage of primary health care.
@ceejayoz: Many uninsured people are (or were, prior to Obamacare) healthy people (for decades my only real expense was an annual FAA medical) with sufficient assets to cover any needed treatment.
By 2022 the ACA is projected to reduce the number of uninsured people by thirty million, add approximately 0.1 percentage points to average annual health spending growth over the full projection period, and increase cumulative health spending by $ 621 billion.
The cost without insurance is based on the full amount a hospital might bill, which an uninsured person would be fully responsible for unless other arrangements were made.
My experience shows just how hard it's going to be to get any healthy, uninsured people — young or old — to sign up.
Then, in the next breath, he insisted that the situation elsewhere in the U.S. varied too much — in cost, in the number of uninsured people, in the size of Medicaid rolls — for the Massachusetts plan to apply.
There's also significant evidence that this newfound coverage has allowed previously uninsured people to access all sorts of basic medical treatments that they never used before, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).
I can only imagine the number of death threats and hate Emails this guy must be getting from the conservative types who, at one of the first GOP Presidential debates, cheered at the prospect of an uninsured person dying on the road for lack of treatment.
According to the teatards, Jesus would take pleasure in personally cutting the throats of all uninsured persons who clearly have no right to live.
A couple of years ago I argued in these pages that those of us on prescription psychotropic medications ought not to be judgmental about the uninsured people who try to assuage their depression with illicit drugs.
The funds will be used towards the Pasadena Mental Health Center (PMHC), a program of Five Acres, which provides comprehensive, affordable mental health programs to uninsured people in the greater San Gabriel Valley.
Faso, during the meeting, spoke against a Democratic - backed amendment that would have prevented the replacement bill, known as the American Health Care Act, from taking effect until the federal government in the form of the Health and Human Services secretary certifies the number of uninsured people and out - of - pocket expenses would not increase and overall benefits would not declined.
Because of the diversity of the counties it serves — from relatively urban Onondaga County to Lewis County, which boasts a higher population of cows than people — ACR Health uses a wide range of strategies to reach out to uninsured people.
When the ACA began in 2010, President Barack Obama and Congress intended to eventually phase out the money because under the new national health plan, the number of uninsured people was expected to drop.
«I think it would be helpful to him to have a discussion about how these issues effect the practical,» the governor said of Mr. Trump during a briefing at the Executive Mansion, adding that he wanted to inform the president - elect about «what does Medicaid mean for the State of New York, what happens if the Affordable Care Act goes away and there are uninsured people
Three million uninsured people would be a problem.»
What happens if the Affordable Care Act goes away and there are uninsured people?
States were directed to set up the exchanges so that uninsured people could choose more affordable insurance plans.
In recent days, he has released a roster of ideas for improving the city, from trying out a single - payer, Medicare - like program for all uninsured people in the city to providing cellphone service on subway platforms.
At the same time, there is a greater need for generalists due to several factors, including an aging population and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, which ultimately is expected to make health care accessible to an estimated 30 million previously uninsured people.
Uninsured people will have to buy health insurance — a policy known as the «individual mandate» — or pay a fine.
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