Sentences with phrase «unintended side effects»

As of 2010, it had safely delivered genes into the bodies of more than 600 people (though some of the genes have produced unintended side effects).
Just seems another program that can have nasty unintended side effects.
One unintended side effect of Congress's intense efforts to jump - start the U.S. economy is the threat of fraud.
«As with any prescription medication, including birth control, there are always possible unintended side effects.
Pumping sulphate particles into the atmosphere was identified as the most cost - effective method, but one which would do nothing to curb ocean acidification or other side effects of increasing greenhouse gas emissions — the report acknowledges that this could have other unintended side effects as well.
Sustainable alternative energy should find something besides the globe's natural climate regulatory mechanisms, the sun, the winds, and the water, or else run into unacceptable unintended side effects as the scale of the sustainable efforts reach the magnitude necessary to replace fossil fuels.
Anything can happen, he says, including «rare, unintended side effects like heightened susceptibility to other pathogens.»
If anything, crazy, unintended side effects speak somewhat well of the skill system Bioware has set up.
Working alone, any of those professions will likely come to conclusions that don't take into account all the factors, resulting in unintended side effects.
Another thing worth noting is that Xposed can sometimes cause unintended side effects when used on manufacturer ROMs — like Samsung or LG.
«But have the researchers considered the possible unintended side effects
If you overdo it, fennel can decrease the milk supply or have other unintended side effects.
And while there are lots of high - income earners who will be affected, it has an unintended side effect that small - business owners (the restaurant owner, the bike shop repairman and the dry cleaning operator), who are considered the backbone of the economy, would likely have to pay higher taxes — and be worse off financially — as well.
But growing oil prices has had the unintended side effect of allowing U.S. shale producers to restart operations.
This change had an unintended side effect, because it allowed corporations to survey their competitors and set their compensation packages accordingly.
One of the unintended side effects of our high divorce rate is that many of our young people are avoiding marriage.»
In fact, it may have the unintended side effect of making those that are currently in the middle of some sort of scandal (that we don't know of yet, of course) try twice as hard to ensure it doesn't come out, because now they're facing an automatic death penalty.
But critics say campaigns like these are fueling an unintended side effect: making new mothers more stressed out than ever.
Monsters vs. Aliens — from DreamWorks Animation vets Rob Letterman (Shark Tale) and Conrad Vernon (Shrek 2)-- isn't trying to be deep: that's just an unintended side effect (and one the audience can safely ignore, if it wants to) when you riff on just about every monster movie ever made and do it this cleverly, in ways that know you know way too much about the subject of cinematic apocalypse already.
Meanwhile, teachers don't make payments on these grants unless and until they convert to a loan, which can have dramatic and unintended side effects on loan forgiveness.
But an unintended side effect of the libertarian strategy — the rise of the myth of value - neutral schooling — now threatens to erode progress in the courts and to undermine public understanding of the First Amendment.
An unintended side effect of the increasingly sophisticated design of cars is that they are often too expensive to fix after even minor collisions.
And while there are lots of high - income earners who will be affected, it has an unintended side effect that small - business owners (the restaurant owner, the bike shop repairman and the dry cleaning operator), who are considered the backbone of the economy, would likely have to pay higher taxes — and be worse off financially — as well.
Unfortunately, as we'll see, these programs always have unintended side effects that sometimes completely overshadow the effect of the program.
The fact that most counties DO N'T have this deduction is likely because of the unintended side effects of this policy.
As you stated, it has a lot of unintended side effects and creates some weird incentives.
Did I miss any of the unintended side effects?
While many supplements are available on the market, these supplements aren't regulated and they may have unintended side effects.
Selecting for body structures that vary considerably from the canine norm can also have unintended side effects.
However, the fact that most video games have you solve problems by either punching or shooting has an interesting, unintended side effect: it makes the times that you talk your way out a problem incredibly badass.
An unintended side effect of the testing done on him in the Weapon X program however left him horribly disfigured and quite insane.
The bugs being fixed in this update are seemingly an unintended side effect of the recent input lag reduction patch where juggles performed on this stage in particular would reset the juggle «knock back» after a floor break.
However, the unintended side effect of this is that hitting the ball accurately is entirely too easy.
«Vulnerability to faults is an unintended side effect of highly centralized technologies» (Lovins and Lovins, 1982).
A state bill that would set broad regulations for the burgeoning medical marijuana industry would likely have the unintended side effect of forcing all dispensaries in Boulder to use 100 percent wind or solar energy.
One of the largest areas of product liability litigation is centered on the unintended side effects of dangerous drugs.
While fracking efforts in the Marcellus Shale region have created a number of jobs for the surrounding area, the rise in drilling accidents has been an unfortunate and unintended side effect.
In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, which also had the unintended side effect of launching frantic attempts in the US to reform math and science education.
New technologies often have unintended side effects and insufficient attention to safety (dams that would fail, industrial revolution factories, myriad litigation in the wake of the introduction of the railroad), but a lot of that had been forgotten after decades of technological and economic stagnation in the private sector.
Of course, the bulk of this change is a collection of «unintended side effects,» but even so, we are fascinated.
There might be a real problem and government is not addressing the underlying issue and instead is creating other issues in the form of loopholes or unintended side effects,» he told TechNewsWorld.
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