Sentences with phrase «unique consequences»

Many online articles mix the two concepts together, when they actually have distinctly different processes, with unique consequences and next steps.
«But falsely stereotyping a group regarding alcohol can have its own unique consequences.
An operation going poorly or a patient suffering unique consequences for a treatable condition is not, by itself, enough for a successful claim of medical malpractice.
Moreover, a unique consequence of abuse by a member of the clergy is the damage to the victim's faith.»
The conditions of our local environment might be the unique consequence of fundamental laws of physics, or they might just be one possibility out of a staggering number.
At the end of the encounter you win according to your crew's dominant mood, each type of victory having unique consequences and rewards.
In brief, it's a crazy cat lady simulator that'll task you with breeding cats and dealing with the unique consequences of owning a home with
But I haven't seen a convincing argument that they're a unique consequence of Portugal flouting EU net neutrality rules, nor something that seems unfathomable under the existing American system.
Describes the prevalence of minor and violent IPV victimization and discusses the unique consequences of IPV for male and female respondents.
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