Sentences with phrase «unique marker»

So Glendon Parker, a biochemist at the University of California, Davis, has been studying unique markers in the proteins made by DNA.
In addition, sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) intake is often studied as a unique marker of sugar intake.
What's most disarming about the block universe, remarks Ellis, is that unlike a movie that plays through a series of successive instants, there is no special point in time that all inhabitants would agree on as «now» — no unique marker that separates the fixed past from the open future.
Generally, scientists try to find a unique marker, a sort of molecular signature, to distinguish one type of neuron from the many others in the brain.
Every whale shark has a unique pattern of spots and stripes on their skin, much like a fingerprint is a unique marker of individual humans.
Vegetarians excrete almost twice the level of a unique marker of glycine deficiency in their urine as omnivores.17 This suggests that excluding animal products from the diet could not only lead to a generally inadequate level of methylation because of lower intakes of methionine and vitamin B12, but the lower intake of glycine could also lead to transient periods of excessive methylation.
Retailers and consumers can also verify their products and their authenticity with the token's unique markers.
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