Sentences with phrase «universe coming into existence»

The fact is that science never said anything about the universe coming into existence from nothing.
I wrote: «We simply don't have enough information to conclude that only a finite causal chain is the only physical effect of this universe coming into existence
We simply don't have enough information to conclude that only a finite causal chain is the only physical effect of this universe coming into existence.
We simply do not know how the universe came into existence.
Advances in cosmological science over the latter half of the 20th century began to reveal that when the universe came into existence, (more on that later), the fundamental forces it was birthed with were apparently «fine - tuned» to allow for the emergence of life.
Well, to find the answer we turn to science, that tells us that the universe came into the existence billions of years ago.
For many years, cosmologists have fallen back on the idea that the universe formed spontaneously; that the Big Bang was result of quantum fluctuations in which the universe came into existence from nothing.
A question for the intellectuals, how did the universe come into existence?
Our universe came into existence able to support life against all mathmatical probability.
LOL, you think all people who are spiritual but not religious never ponder bigger questions such as how the universe came into existence or why it exists at all?
How would you explain how humans, animals, all living things, and the universe came into existence?
if the universe came into existence, it couldnt have started itself, because it did nt exist prior to it's beginning.
@Moby Schtick: Chad, it's simple if you admit that we have no idea how the universe came into existence.
We have no idea if the universe itself came into existence or always exists in some state or other; we do know that our universe expanded from a very hot and dense state very different from what exists today.
Given the 13.8 billion years that have passed since the Big Bang, it may be enough time for supermassive black holes to grow to their gigantic sizes, but how then do we explain that some of them formed less than 800 million years after the universe came into existence?

Not exact matches

The real question is does it take more faith to believe that mass and energy came into existence in such a way to (relatively) evenly displace it throughout the universe that came into existence at the same time, or did it come together in such a precise manner to create a supreme being that could design and build a universe after the fact?
I n S h o r t: The vital substances in this vast pharmacy of the universe, which are measured on the scales of Divine Determining and Decree of the All-Wise and Pre-Eternal One, can only come into existence through a boundless wisdom, infinite knowledge and all - encompassing will.
Without a model of quantum gravity, it is IMPOSSIBLE to describe the initial state of the universe, or even be sure if it really was a singularity, let alone «coming into existence from nothingness» (not that we even have an example of «nothingness» to compare to.
There are actually human beings on this forum who honestly believe that the universe, and our own little rock that is teeming with life, came into existence through natural processes alone, absent the workings of a creator.
That just as all the products we use came into existence through a mind, these being consistent with reality, so likewise of not only the earth with its marvelous ecological systems, but all the universe by which we keep time, from the passing of one day to the passing of one year allowing to keep track of time, that all these diverse, but harmonious systems are the product of a Supreme Designer for the benefit and enjoyment of mankind.
Nothingness is predicted by simple mathematics and the beginning of the universe came from absolutely nothing, like a proton popping into existence.
If material has always existed eternally in the past, why hasn't our universe come into and already gone out of existence forever ago, presuming we our a result of this «material» you speak of doing something to bring our universe into existence?
If it took «forever» for the atoms to interact as you say, why hasn't our universe already come into and gone out of existence forever ago?
None of us knows, with solid empirical evidence, how matter, and time, numbers — and the universe itself — came into existence.
Do we see the universe as simply ending in a whimper, even if it came into existence with a bang, or do we see it as capable of renewal and transformation?
Suppose time came into existence with the universe so that the universe has only a finite past.
They were taught to expect that this universe of space and time came into existence in one complex, unifying burst of intelligence, the logos in whom, by whom, and with whom all things were made, and that makes all things (no matter how humble) intelligible.
You don't know what there was «before» the universe existed, because there was no «before» time existed, and there IS proof that virtual particles, and quantum fluctuations come and go out of and into existence all the time.
Nobody is claiming that «nothing» «made» the universe, just that we don't know how it came into existence yet.
The entire universe, matter, time and space, apparently came into existence out of an explosion from an object of inconceivable density — perhaps from something smaller than an atom.
The bible came into existence to specifically refute the consept of the universe existing out of «nothing.»
However, if you're really determined, you can always think of yet another far - fetched factor or explanation, such as matter that comes into existence all by itself, an infinite number of universes in which every possibility has happened or will happen in its own universe, life and consciousness spontaneously arising out of inert matter, etc..
Furthermore, The age of the Cosmos is arbitrarily an unsubstantiated theory due the universal averaging of interstellar universes» steadyingly declared existentialism being the motivating factor of each and every universe coming into existance thru a steadied state of consistent fluxuations thusly bringing into existence universes of many variating ages.
But just as it is silly to think that something as impossibly complex as DNA just spontaneously came into existence, so it is to infinitely more silly to extend such reasoning to the universe itself.
At the heart of the universe, even before there were atoms or cells, there was the possibility of these entities coming into existence.
It is living at the growing edge of the universe, those living nodal points where the future is coming into existence.
Which also means, if the universe began with the big bang, then time came into existence, and then he also existed before and transcends time.
If nothing exists beyond the universe and All of the universe, space and time itself came into existence some 13.75 billion years ago then All of the universe, space and time itself came into existence uncaused, out of non-being.
, I mean came «into existence» (mysteriously popped out of nowhere); rather, it will challenge intellectual thinkers to look at life as not just a compilation of atoms / cells; rather a universe that is controlled by powers much more awesome than the natural forces we all experience on a daily basis.
What the argument by probability does is to reflect on the «fine - tunedness» of a universe in which life can exist, reflects on the chance of life occurring through purely random events, and concludes that the chance of life coming into existence through purely random forces of nature is so infinitesimally small as to be almost non-existent.
All of these universes are believed to come into existence through a process called eternal inflation, in which at least one universe continually expands at an incredible rate, while others form and grow within it like bubbles.
Conversely, if the vacuum energy were negative, it would cause the universe to rapidly re-collapse and there would be no time for astronomers, at least the type we know, to come into existence.
Our own universe does not seem to have come into existence this way.
A long - standing question in astrophysics is whether the universe's very first black holes came into existence less than a second after the Big Bang or whether they formed only millions of years later during the deaths of the earliest stars.
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