Sentences with phrase «university bookstore»

Most university bookstores sell business cards with the university seal on them.
While Copia already has similar existing deals with a large number of university bookstores here in the US, as well as partnerships with programs abroad like Brazil's Submarino Digital Club, Copia is developing plans to bring a similar indie bookstore agreement to the United States over the course of the next several months.
Follett, which runs 930 university bookstores in North America, launched Follett CafeScribe last year, a cloud - based digital textbook platform.
Miner supported a 30 - year payment in lieu of taxes for the developer of a new Syracuse University bookstore.
Lowering the costs of the eBook textbooks, and working with university bookstores to help subsidize the cost of the eBooks.
As the assistant manager of a small university bookstore, I am required to dress professionally, and I also have to wear close - toed shoes.
Likely, the College and University bookstore chain of B&N will promote the digital aspect as early as the Fall.
When I was at McMaster University bookstore, I purchased an Espresso Book Machine, a machine that can print, bind and trim a book right in the store from a digital file in about 15 minutes.
Daemon is a fast - paced, gripping novel, that's already being stocked at the MIT University bookstore.
The Common Council has called a special session for later today to vote on the property tax exemption for a developer planning to build a Syracuse University bookstore and fitness center in the University Hill neighborhood.
Amazon's opportunity with university bookstores could be huge.
The university bookstore, called the Bookie, distributed free agendas with a photo of rival school University of Washington on the cover, according to the Huffington Post.
Students can also work on campus in a variety of arenas — the university bookstore, library, residence halls, labs, departments, etc..
Unless, of course, it was a shirt from the university bookstore (yes, I used to work at a university).
Locally, their 925 sterling silver jewelry line is sold at Fuego stores, Something Silver, and University Bookstores....
I went to the university bookstore, Blackwell's, with a ruler to measure the width of their spines.
My university bookstore has agreed to sell my book.
Do a postcard campaign to libraries and university bookstores.
This model could also take the place of the ridiculously expensive «packets» that many college students buy in their university bookstores, ones that amount to nothing more than a hefty shrink - wrapped stack of Xeroxed handouts.
Despite threats to their print book sales, university bookstores are also coming around to embracing e-books.
Right now this program is only available online, but it will be only a matter of time before Amazon starts offering it in all of their drop centers and university bookstores.
I think Amazon offering student loans directly at their University bookstores will be the next step the company takes.
We're doing installations in libraries and university bookstores, as well,» said Mikhli.
Second, having a son in college and knowing that the university bookstore is now being run by B&N, anything that will help bring down the cost of his books and offer a variety of formats is good.
He also worked at a university bookstore, allowing him to meet professors and creative writing students who would come in and «talk shop.»
The news that they are going to split off their university bookstores also shows that there is going to be some major shifts.
Buy the download code from the university bookstore, go to the bookstore to pick up the physical copy of the download code, and then log into the publisher's site to enter the download code and download the, I presume, heavily DRMed copy.
So, even if I can get it to work on my home wifi, after all th epossible reconfigurations, what about when I am at a library, a university bookstore, a coffee shop or any other usual WIFI location then what do I do?
Most times, you will find that the alternatives usually pay more than the university bookstore.
Skip the college and university bookstores, kiddies.
It makes little sense to shop at a university bookstore anymore.
Your university bookstore may have some software titles, but most major companies offer discounts to students as well.
A few years ago, I wouldn't have known who Jeffrey Sachs was had I not walked into my university bookstore and beelined my way towards a book jacket announcing a special foreword by Bono.
In addition, more than $ 400 million is spent every year in university bookstores to buy new textbooks, course packs, and works in digital format.
Software makers like Microsoft, Apple, and Adobe allow college students to buy legitimate copies of their software at steep discounts, typically through their university bookstore or directly on the web.
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