Sentences with phrase «university presses»

It is the oldest university press in the world, as well as the oldest publishing house.
We're proud to work with leading academic publishers from around the world, including university presses, public policy organizations, and independent presses.
A rule of thumb is that you need an agent for trade houses, whereas generally speaking university presses don't like dealing with agents.
From newly published to not yet released, our reviewers focus on indie and university press titles.
All independent publishers are eligible, ranging from self - published authors to major university presses.
We combine the capacities of a traditional, large university press with the international reach, technological sophistication, and brand recognition of a larger commercial house.
Nor are university presses in a position to take over the responsibilities of strictly religious publishers.
The goal is to deliver the largest collection of high quality university press e-books to the widest possible audience.
Typical fees range on the low end for university press clients approximately $ 800, all the way up to $ 3000 for some trade publishers.
The reality is that there is a wealth of interesting and accessible material published by university presses annually that can enrich and expand most collections.
To read more about the issue consult the recently published book «Revolutionary Justice: Special Courts and the Formation of Republican Egypt» published by Oxford University Press by the same author.
His Vector Portraits were assembled in a 2008 Yale University Press book Drive.
William James, The Principles of Psychology (Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1983; originally published in 1890), 152 (italics in the original.
Published by University Press of America, 1980.
The book Industry and Intelligence: Contemporary Art Since 1820 was published by Columbia University Press in March 2016.
National Eczema Association extends a special thank you to Gil Yosipovitch, M.D., Shawn G. Kwatra, M.D., Kaspar, Mossman, and The Johns Hopkins University Press for allowing this excerpt from the book Living with Itch: A Patient's Guide to appear here.
Winner of the coveted Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Prize, the William and Camille Cosby Endowed Professorship, the Ford Foundation Education Fellowship, and three national awards for her Oxford University Press book on the history of black women artists (including the American Library Association BCALA prize for Outstanding Contribution to Literature), Lisa Farrington is a leader in the field of African American art history.
«According to our projections, large areas of the globe are likely to warm up so quickly that, by the middle of this century, even the coolest summers will be hotter than the hottest summers of the past 50 years,» said the study's lead author, Noah Diffenbaugh, in a Stanford University press release.
Starting in 2017, the artist and Yale University Press released an ambitious six - book suite collectively titled The Human Clay — a sweeping collection street and environmental portraits culled and edited by Friedlander from his extensive archive, many not previously published.
The speech was an «Address to the Young Men's Lyceum» of Springfield, Illinois (The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler [Rutgers University Press, 1953], Vol.
Her book, The Power of Systems: How Policy Sciences Opened Up the Cold War World, is forthcoming with Cornell University Press in 2016.
The editor thanks Northwestern University Press for permission to use the essays «Preface to Bultmann» translated by Peter McCormick, and «Freedom in the Light of Hope,» translated by Robert Sweeney, both originally published in The Conflict of Interpretations.
We wish to thank Kim Miller from the Association of American University Presses for helping to coordinate this venture.
Casual dating fr overlays Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press.
A new English e-Library developed by Cambridge University Press for AQA brings literary authors and non-fiction texts to life in the classroom through audio clips, video and interactive annotation, inspiring and guiding students as they get to grips -LSB-...]
The chapter, written by Linda Darling - Hammond, is published in excerpted form with permission from Temple University Press.
by Irwin C. Lieb, Southern Illinois University Press, 1961, pp. 126 - 41) and «Memini Ergo Fui?»
He is co-editor of the Disability History series of Manchester University Press.
As University Press Books Committee - PLA Chair, I wish to thank all of the committee members who have volunteered their time and wisdom this year.
Her book Trisha Brown: Choreography as Visual Art appeared from Wesleyan University Press in 2016.
Just this summer, Yale University Press published what they called «a long - awaited survey,» Women of Abstract Expressionism — every time I see the title, I think of a scene in Ann Rower's book about Lee Krasner and Elaine De Kooning, Lee & Elaine (1988).
Critical Forum Global Exhibitions: Contemporary Art and the African Diaspora 19 February 2010, 10.00 — 17.00 Location: Auditorium, Admission # 35, # 20 (Concessions) Limited places, booking recommended In partnership with Liverpool University Press, University of the Arts Research Centre for Transnational Art, Identity and Nation (TrAIN) and the University of Liverpool.
Additionally Susan served as Associate Publisher of Ohio University Press and acquired over 100 titles for the Press.
For hard evidence that ebooks are competing with print books for readers one need look no further than the experience of many American University Press Publishers and other academic publishers (cf many discussions that took place at the AAUP2010 annunal meeting (twitter hashtag #AAUP10).
Bob Jones University Press finds issues with secular textbooks, and therefore aim to provide Christian substitutes wherever possible.
The author of many publications in peer reviewed journals and book chapters, Dr. Johnson wrote two books that are published by Purdue University Press entitled, «Health Benefits of Dog Walking,» and «Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound.»
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