Sentences with phrase «unlicensed dealers»

It also prohibits research facilities from purchasing dogs or cats from unlicensed dealers or exhibitors.
In 2008, it was revealed that based on the numbers of unlicensed dealers that had surfaced in other states when regulations were passed, there were likely over a thousand unlicensed puppy producers here in Oklahoma.
Unlicensed dealers in Oklahoma have been found with animals in tiny wire floored cages; urine and feces spilling from one dog to the one below.
The owners of those stores can buy from anyone they like, so long as there's no local law against buying puppies from unlicensed dealers.
Background checks approximately correlate to gun sales, though it's not an exact science: One buyer could purchase several guns at once and trigger only one background check, or customers can use background check loopholes like buying from a private or unlicensed dealer.
COPEC Executive Director, Duncan Amoah had accused BOST Managing Director, Alfred Obeng of causing financial loss to the state when he authorized the sale of some barrels of crude oil to an unlicensed dealer.
Additionally, newspapers and internet advertising revealed that unlicensed dealers had expanded at an even greater rate than their USDA counterparts.
Oklahoma continued to welcome the unlicensed dealers, and cruelty complaints to state agencies and humane organizations to report the purchase of a sick or dying puppy skyrocketed.
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