Sentences with phrase «unnamed member»

A Wall Street Journal report, which quotes unnamed members of the Obama administration, indicates the threat of genocide against Yazidis was the primary factor in the American decision to intervene.
Preus's assessment of the results led him to issue a document euphemistically known as the Blue Book in which he charged that certain unnamed members of the Concordia faculty were teaching false doctrine.
But the Internet newspaper cites a lone unnamed member of the church choir, who claims Holmes has registered as a parishioner of the Church of St. Francis Xavier in New York.
Finally, thank you to the numerous unnamed members of the national community of consumers, students, and providers that have donated both time and precious funds to because they support and believe in this opportunity.
Miner, who appeared on the show with her fellow co-chair, Assemblyman / Manhattan Democratic Chairman Keith Wright, blasted unnamed members of the Fourth Estate for revealing the identities of some of Lopez's accusers, saying the speaker had acted with far more «integrity» by trying to protect them.
Home Secretary Theresa May chaired a meeting of the Cabinet Office Briefing Room committee (COBRA)[77] attended by Defence Secretary Philip Hammond, the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan - Howe, the Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick and other unnamed members of the intelligence agencies.
King Gustaf is found here, along with unnamed members.
He picked up this as yet unnamed member of the Amphiglossus genus from a river habitat so remote that no known westerner had ever been there before.
In his book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, author Michael Wolff quotes an unnamed member of Trump's senior staff as saying Haley is «as ambitious as Lucifer».
Arsenal in particular are his favourite for a move, and he has been speaking to an unnamed member of the Arsenal squad for a while now (likely fellow Spaniard Santi Cazorla) about life in London and the possibility of a move.
The unnamed members, some of whom confided in the Editor of the New Crusading Guide newspaper Malik Kweku Baako Jnr described Amidu as an «unpredictable», «temperamental» «emotional landmine,» and a difficult personality to control.
An unnamed member of the investigation team told Reuters: «The indications and analysis so far of the sound on the black box indicate it was a bomb.»
It did, however, temporarily suppress four distinct organisms early in life during the critical window of microbial colonization: Lactobacillus, Allobaculum, Candidatus Arthromitus, and an unnamed member of the Rikenellaceae family, which may have important metabolic and immunological interactions.
[1] The oldest known unambiguous elephant seal fossils are fragmentary fossils of an unnamed member of the tribe Miroungini described from the late Pliocene Petane Formation of New Zealand.
The Eighth Circuit reasoned that Smith sought certification «of the same class» in a suit alleging «the same legal theories» as in the McCollins case, and held that the injunction was proper because Smith was an unnamed member of the McCollins class, and because their «interests were aligned.»
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