Sentences with phrase «unnamed player»

The 27 - year - old is the world class central midfielder that United have been crying out for for some time now, and it looks as though an offer of # 40m plus an as yet unnamed player in exchange will be enough to see him complete his move to Old Trafford.
Pochettino has also said several unnamed players are fitness doubts.
«I'm still kind of trying to sort my way through this to be honest,» an unnamed player told the Tribune.
Torino have publicly stated the player is not for sale, but Milan are prepared to either offer his buyout clause of $ 80m, or alternatively offer $ 60m plus two unnamed players.
NFL columnist Michael Silver is reporting that an unnamed player told him that head coach Greg Schiano could lose the locker room.
Bosh admits the Heat had been «embarrassed on national TV» during the recent skid, a 10 - day stretch characterized by poor execution and off - the - court drama, including Spoelstra's revelation after a loss to Chicago that unnamed players were shedding tears in the locker room, and TNT's Charles Barkley's excoriating the team to «quit whining and bitching like a little girl.»
These two footballers are Muniain and an unnamed player.
He was the Louisville recruit widely believed to be the unnamed player in the investigation who allegedly received a $ 100,000 payment to commit to the Cardinals in June.
Seen a properly b ***** ks type news hit - piece with an unnamed source saying an unnamed player got blanked by Alexis when he asked if he was going to be here next season.
In a players - only meeting after the first of two embarrassing losses to Manchester City this week, this exchange happened, involving an unnamed player:
instead, I feel that it was the unnamed player on this film that dropped the game winning touchdown pass.
The unnamed player in this drama is Amazon, which had been selling e-books at a loss until two years ago, when the iPad came along and publishers used the emergence of the new device to pressure the online megaretailer into adopting the agency model, too.
While speaking on an episode of Game Talk Live SOE President John Smedley revealed that an unnamed player had recently reached a milestone of earning $ 100,000 through the SOE Player Studio.
The unnamed player was reportedly using a modified file on an inserted memory card, thus making it almost undetectable until properly tested by tournament officials.
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