Sentences with phrase «unnatural additives»

They come from free - range South American cattle that are grass - fed without growth hormones or any other unnatural additives commonly used with feed lot cattle.
Gluten - free has become a marketing term, so many of the gluten - free products you'll find are actually highly processed and contain unnatural additives.
And just because it's labeled «natural» doesn't mean it's safe or void of other unnatural additives.
The Hazelnut milk also uses organic rice to create a thicker, creamier drink, without the need to add unnatural additives.
Foods high in unnatural additives, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, sodium or sugar should be avoided.
This means your dog is safe from allergic reactions often caused by unnatural additives that make food look enticing but doesn't have great effects on health
These foods are for the most part genetically modified and loaded with unnatural additives, pesticides, and herbicides.
NO CHEMICALS Our pastures are never treated with herbicides or pesticides, so our girls get to enjoy a natural diet free of unnatural additives!
Almond is my milk of choice but I sometimes cringe over the unnatural additives such as thickeners and stabilizers that I am putting into my body every day.
Maker of the first Asian - inspired recipe for yogurt, Tarté was founded on the belief that people should not sacrifice great taste for artificial ingredients and unnatural additives.
Toxic chemicals, unnatural additives, and downright dangerous products that anyone who is a parent would never deem safe for a living being.
They can't provide those things, but they can tout the bad, or unpopular, things that aren't part of their product, the «no's»: no unnatural additives, no artificial colors or flavors, no high fructose corn syrup, no trans fat, no gluten and, yes, no GMOs or BPA.
In addition, unnatural additives (like MSG) and flavors are often added.
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