Sentences with phrase «unnatural amount»

The phrase "unnatural amount" means a quantity that is beyond what is considered normal or expected. It refers to something that is unusual, excessive, or not in accordance with natural proportions. Full definition
But the harmful effects of sugar have little to do with its glycemic index, it is harmful primarily because it is loaded with unnatural amounts of fructose.
But don't overdo it and take unnatural amounts for this reason as it can interfere with potassium if you do so.
The chicken that ate a natural diet roaming outside is going to have more vitamins and minerals and healthier omega - 3 to omega - 6 ratios compared to the chicken that lived a horrible life inside a factory farm chicken house, and ate unnatural amounts of grains to be fattened up quickly.
Another example would be chicken... Unhealthy chickens that are raised in factory chicken houses, never see an outdoor environment, and fed unnatural amounts of grains are going to produce a significantly less healthy chicken meat for your meals compared to a chicken that spent most of its time outdoors roaming fields and eating greens, seeds, bugs, worms, and other natural items that chickens like to eat.
Birth control pills flood the body with an unnatural amount of hormones that are also synthetic.
Master cinematographer Caleb Deschanel («The Right Stuff,» «The Passion of the Christ») uses an unnatural amount of light inside that home on wheels, almost as if the world is too bright for these dark characters.
; the scene weirdly drags on, as it takes an unnatural amount of time for the doctor to understand what's going on.
With their naturally out - turned elbows and hips that are significantly more narrow than their shoulders, their joints already have an unnatural amount of stress on them.
Consider investing in a tennis - ball thrower: this is a great way of playing with your dog, as well as chalking up the necessary miles (without you having to expend an unnatural amount of energy doing so!).
Common white LED lights, he said, are introducing an unnatural amount of blue radiance which could be responsible for altering metabolic reactions and disrupting sleep.
While greenhouse gasses are necessary in our atmosphere and are needed to keep us warm, an unnatural amount is strikingly dangerous.
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