Sentences with phrase «unnatural death»

The phrase "unnatural death" refers to a death that occurs in a way that is not common or expected, often due to human actions or external factors, rather than natural causes like old age or illness. Full definition
Islamism is healthy for any other living things, but not for humans since no other living things give a $ H T to 72 hoors in Jannat if they die of unnatural death.
I've seen folk have their faith in God die unnatural deaths when it was cancerous or toxic church cells doing the killing.
It was rather that unnatural death always provoked a peculiar unease, an uncomfortable realisation that there were still some things that might not be susceptible to bureaucratic control.
The Duchess died of natural causes in 1749 so missed a likely unnatural death during the French Revolution.
A coroner's inquest into a sudden or unnatural death faces many pitfalls.
FIR copy, post mortem report, panchnama, duly attested by police officials, in case of unnatural death that includes suicide, murder, accidents etc..
with human's and unnatural death it's out of sight, out of mind.
If you hate Tomb of the Giants from Dark Souls or No Man's Wharf from Dark Souls 2 as much as I do, rest assured this Victorian town of darkness will be nothing but death, loads of unnatural deaths, for your first - hand experience in being a Bloodborne.
Stop to study Rainbow (1988), Xu Zhen's photograph of a torso, and you'll flinch at the clang that accompanies it; Yang Fudong's film of a disaffected citizen's aimless wander through the «estranged paradise» of Hangzhou stifles all hope, and Yang Jiechang's instructions above an urn (Testament, 1989 - 1991)-- One Day I Die An Unnatural Death Then One Should Feed Me to a Tiger and Keep its Excrements — veers to the morbid.
He is highly experienced in unnatural death cases, which will serve him well in his new role; as assistant coroner, he will undertake investigations into unnatural deaths, with a particular focus on deaths in police custody.
Procedural obligation under article 2 where deaths occur in custody will, therefore, likely only arise where there is evidence of a violent or unnatural death or where there is some other question mark over the cause of death which points or may point to the possibility that the death was not from natural causes.»
In case of accidental or unnatural death, the post-mortem report, police inquest report, newspaper cuttings reporting the accident (in case of death by accident), a copy of driver's license for road accidents and other similar documents may be required.
Unnatural death: First Information Report and Postmortem Report Waiver of Premium: Proposed policyowner Form and Deed of Relinquishment to be executed on Rs. 200 / - stamp paper duly notarized.
Mr. Ghag also added that the overall objective of taking insurance is to compensate the monetary loss caused to the family due to unnatural death of the earning person and this step will also enable an equal opportunity to the dependents of the deceased thereby securing their future.
First is the case of an unnatural death in the first year of the policy.
«It links back to the notion of disenfranchised grief because in today's society we tend to shy away from death, especially because this is such an unnatural death in terms of the age of the person who died.
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