Sentences with phrase «unnatural movement»

Plus they can force you into unnatural movement patterns, which can cause injuries.
Simply because the squatting movement is rather complex and the Smith machine locks you into a two - dimensional plane, which of course results with unnatural movement patterns, failing to train your body in all planes.
Second, they lock you into unnatural movement patterns with a fixed range of motion and the movements can be dangerous and are often detrimental to your posture.
• Lock you into a fixed movement pattern → Machines force you to move through a fixed and sometimes unnatural movement pattern.
A lesser filmmaker would turn its malevolent force into something of more contemporary horror, the jerky, unnatural movements established by Japanese films of the late 90's and early 2000's, brought to American shores with The Ring.
AES+F apply a morphing technique to photographs, achieving simultaneously fluid and unnatural movement in super high definition.
I need to make a conscious effort to hover my head directly above the iPhone X, an incredibly unnatural movement.
«And this extra force causes patient discomfort and unnatural movements
Typical robots are rigid with exposed mechanisms and unnatural movement, but the fish described in the first issue of the new journal Soft Robotics is covered in a soft silicone skin.
The stabilizing muscles are small and often unnoticeable, but they support and protect us from unwanted and unnatural movements.
What's more, the Smith machine locks into an unnatural movement pattern that can place stress on untargeted body parts and not trains the targeted muscles.
That is an unnatural movement, do Cross Country Skier or Ski Hops.
This is incorrect - a strong bench press is by nature an unnatural movement for the body - the shoulder is designed for mobility, not single plane force production, and as a result developing significant pressing strength requires that the shoulder develop incredibly stiff, strong muscle and tendon attachments.
Adjusted the unnatural movements of normal attacks inflicted while sprinting with all stamina used up in Aad Sphera combat mode.
Changed the unnatural movement when switching weapons using «C» key in awakening weapon combat mode.
Unnatural movements — touching one's body, playing with objects such as pens, finger tapping, lip licking, smiling too often — indicate discomfort and a lack of confidence.
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