Sentences with phrase «unnatural substances»

Anything I can do to keep chemicals and other unnatural substances out of my body... the better!
The following document is a bit technical but worth the read because localized, and even generalized ischemic skin disease is becoming increasingly common as dogs are exposed to and assaulted by an ever - increasing range of unnatural substances.
Such a society will respect the limits of creation — the fallibility of human beings, the finite supply of resources, the inability of the natural world endlessly to absorb unnatural substances, and the reality that every thing and every one is connected with every other thing and every other one in the community of life.
Vinegar is usually the solution to a good amount of more unnatural substances used in your cloth diaper wash.
However, the suits did not allege that the cows have been treated with growth hormones or antibiotics or fed unnatural substances, as can be the case with conventional milk.
Synthetic hormones can start out as natural but are converted to unnatural substances so they may be patented and sold by pharmecutical companies.
Whenever your body tries to process an unrecognizable unnatural substance like aspartame, the stage is set for health problems.
Meaning that no hormones, antibiotics, or other unnatural substances where given to the animal that provided the main ingredients in the food such as the chicken or the fish ect..
What is unnatural about our wonderfully evolved domestic canine is that Nature never intended dogs to be inundated with UNnatural substances.
Bio-Fen ® Plus is a unique combination of all - natural ingredients specifically formulated to help stop hair loss.There are no drugs, synthetic chemicals or unnatural substances in this solution.
It is important to stay away from fatty meat parts such as chicken skins, since that's where most of the unnatural substances deposit.
Detox Foot Pads are made using select gemstones and organic herbs and contain no harsh or unnatural substances!
Although we did not understand why at the time, all of them made me terribly ill and I was forced to discontinue taking anything (in hindsight that was a great blessing, as we would later learn those unnatural substances were only adding to the toxic burden on my body.)
All of these are assaultive, unnatural substances and influences our bodies have to contend with on a daily basis without, and this may be a crucial point, having had the evolutionary time to adapt to them.
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