Sentences with phrase «unnatural way»

It just seemed that the structure was forced upon the text in unnatural ways.
It seems to be a far more loving, but more unnatural way of going about things.
I don't know what's going on but everyone's hair seems to float and move in a rather unnatural way.
Money - rich people always want unnatural ways and eventually they became unnatural themselves.
It's the corporate way, spin, create some artificial product they endlessly seek to alter in unnatural ways.
I don't know what's going on but everyone's hair seems to float and move in a rather unnatural way.
I'm more concerned about a lot of the refined either, you know, unste — refined polyunsaturated fats, especially the refined omega - 6 ones that come from the vegetable oils that tend to be extracted in ways that have lots of heat and come in a very unnatural way that, basically, destroys the fat.
Responses that make me laugh and respond in this most unnatural way.
The mergers are «a completely unnatural way of development,» says Mikhail Sadovsky, a physicist at RAS's Institute of Electrophysics in Ekaterinburg.
Until the trial, at least, when she seemed to realize that Petra let Paul down in the most fundamentally unnatural way.
On the small island of Vale, something unnatural this way comes.
Women's butts are front and center, and it's even become a depressing joke that their bodies are twisted and contorted in uncomfortable or unnatural ways so that their breasts and butt can be visible in the same shot.
We're taking natural materials — fossil fuels buried in the Earth, which took millions of years to form — and we're using them in a pretty unnatural way: burning them and releasing that hidden carbon back into the system in the form of CO2 so fast that the Earth doesn't know how to handle it.
He argues that with the domestication of plants and animals we were forced to domesticate ourselves, and that means to train ourselves to act in unnatural ways.
But they do so in a very unnatural way that can overwhelm and confuse the immune system.»
Her boobs were weirdly pushed together (and pushed up in the most unnatural way), and the fabric on the dress was sooo shiny.
Thus, in an unholy and unnatural way, the «Negro clergy class is the white man's right hand over the so - called Negroes,» and the black preacher is the greatest hindrance to their progress and equality.
Men shall not lie with men not women with women in an unnatural way.
Nothing is more damaging to fiction, she wrote, than writers who try to impose their beliefs on their novels in a forced or unnatural way.
Growth hormones are added to help raise food in an unnatural way; you probably -LSB-...]
I don't want to ever have to «wean» her in an unnatural way.
The hip joints are pushed in an unnatural way, which prevents the hip socket from forming around the hip ball sufficiently.
Over 50 % of babies are being born in an unnatural way.
As such, the trick is arguably closer to «disappearances» staged in Victorian music hall using arrangements of slanted mirrors than to the modern use of substances called metamaterials to achieve invisibility by guiding light rays in unnatural ways.
Sadly, even most of the organic and free range products come from animals fed in this unnatural way.
One, it's such an unnatural way to eat, that our body and mind rebels; which is stressful.
Copper toxicity or deficiency can stimulate the thyroid in an unnatural way.
For this reason, lifters may be forced to move in an unnatural way that could lead to injury down the road.
Sadly, most of the organic and free range products sold come from animals fed in this unnatural way.
I always like to style a piece in a unnatural ways, so I paired it with more sporty vibe pieces.
It's an unnatural way to think because it forces people to set aside the information they have gathered.
Back and hip problems due to them altering their stance (declawing forces them to put their weight on their feet in an unnatural way)
Walking on the nails can cause your Shih Tzu's toes to spread apart, creating an unnatural way of walking.
It's not as if you're expected to position it in an unnatural way or do anything out of the ordinary.
The controls are simple and responsive, and won't force you to bend your fingers in unnatural ways to do simple tasks.
The life insurance company would investigate in case the death occurs in an unnatural way.
These drivers definitely invent bass when it isn't in the mix, but not in an obnoxious, unnatural way.
But overloading sentences in an unnatural way hurts more than it helps.
If you overuse key buzzwords or use them in unnatural ways, it will be obvious you're trying to pad your resume with certain keywords.
«Toronto is competitive in an unnatural way,» he says.
You arch your back or lean to one side or use one arm / leg in an unnatural way.
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