Sentences with phrase «unnecessary dietary restrictions»

This can also help prevent unnecessary dietary restrictions, because certain tests can help determine whether you also need to avoid fructose and / or lactose.
Moralizing particular foods or macronutrients can not only create unnecessary dietary restrictions, but dietary restraint is also associated with increased cortisol [4].
You might find that you don't need to avoid gluten, which would allow you to go through your life free of an unnecessary dietary restriction.

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(It has been suggested that the deficient enzyme matures in some mildly affected patients, making dietary restrictions less or fully unnecessary.)
The detox debate Opinion may be divided on the benefits of doing a detox diet, however, the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) claims the scientific basis for these kinds of stringent diets is lacking and such severe dietary restrictions of whole food groups may be unnecessary.
To the general public, crazy dietary restrictions might seem a little... unnecessary, maybe?
When medically necessary, these tests will provide clinicians useful diagnostics to help patients avoid allergens that could potentially cause allergic reactions, and minimize unnecessary dietary or lifestyle restrictions.
Rudd is certainly charming, having endured an endless amount of sit - ups and dietary restrictions for his thankless and unnecessary shirtless sequence.
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