Sentences with phrase «unnecessary weight gain»

Animal sources are excellent sources of protein, but they tend to be very high in fat and can cause unnecessary weight gain during pregnancy.
Weight Control: A high protein and moderate fat content for building lean muscle and providing your lab with the energy he needs without unnecessary weight gain.
To manage your symptoms, maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise to avoid unnecessary weight gain.
In fact, toddler milk supplements may actually be doing harm by fueling rapid, unnecessary weight gain in young children in the midst of a global obesity epidemic, she adds.
Key Insight: Let your body do its job, and fight unnecessary weight gain with resistant starch.
In addition to the propensity for unnecessary weight gain, free feeding can also lead to a lack of proper discipline.
Providing dogs with human food, even when not poisonous, can cause unnecessary weight gain.
The Leangains style of intermittent fasting (aka 16/8 fasting method) was created by Martin Berkhan as a way for bodybuilders to build lean muscle mass without unnecessary weight gain from fat.
Consuming too many sugars inflames our body and leads to major health issues such as unnecessary weight gain, insulin resistance, joint pain, auto - immune conditions, leaky gut syndrome and neurological degeneration.
«Hummingbirds have an optimal fuel - use strategy that powers their high - energy lifestyle, maximizes fat storage, and minimizes unnecessary weight gain all at the same time,» says Kenneth Welch, assistant professor of biological sciences at UTSC and an expert on hummingbirds.
Take note not to give a lot of these foods to dogs since they can lead to diarrhea due to a large amount of fructose or it can cause unnecessary weight gain due to excess carbohydrates.
The Leangains style of intermittent fasting (aka 16/8 fasting method) was created by Martin Berkhan as a way for bodybuilders to build lean muscle mass without unnecessary weight gain from fat.
This is especially so for well - metabolised oils like coconut oil, because they tend to cause unnecessary weight gain.
Binge drinking, drinking lots of alcohol in a short period of time or drinking to get drunk, can lead to falls, mood problems, memory disorders, mental health issues, dreadful hangovers and unnecessary weight gain.
Rather than trying to lose weight, a pregnant woman should concentrate instead on eating healthy to avoid any unnecessary weight gain.
Not only that, it could lead to unnecessary weight gain.
Artificial sweeteners actually trick the brain into thinking your body will receive actual calories, however, they end up causing extreme carb cravings and unnecessary weight gain.
Beyond wreaking havoc on our hormonal systems and metabolism, our bodies store excess sugar as fat, leading to unwanted and unnecessary weight gain.
Hypothyroidism by definition will lead to low energy, low mood, unnecessary weight gain, and a feeling of powerlessness.
The end result is unnecessary weight gain and serious cravings for nutrients our bodies still need but aren't getting from the empty foods we eat.
However, I have to admit that I had to change almost half of it in the last few months, because of some necessary and unnecessary weight gain (I regret nothing).
This will help prevent overeating that could lead to unnecessary weight gain.
Avoid alfalfa, since it's high in calories (which can cause unnecessary weight gain) and calcium (which can cause bladder problems).
These habits can cause unnecessary weight gain or other health problems when your dog's system can't deal with high fat and sugar doses.
Also since they are less active in the winter season adjusting their calorie intake will further help avoid any unnecessary weight gain.
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