Sentences with phrase «unpaid child support»

If the refund is smaller than anticipated due to deductions for items like unpaid child support or traffic tickets, the full amount of the loan must still be repaid.
But most states allow mom to collect interest on unpaid child support at a rate set by statute.
We work with people on either side of a family law enforcement action, with unpaid child support obligations representing the most frequent problem we see.
The process of recovering unpaid child support is here to stay, in one form or another.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act treats unpaid child support payments like any other money owed.
In addition, the 2014 refund would be applied to any amounts still owed to the IRS or state tax agency to offset unpaid child support or past due federal debts, such as student loans.
Again, it's best not to fall into the trap of withholding visitations over unpaid child support.
Q: I have Unpaid Child Support Showing on My Credit Report, Can I get Financing?
On the other hand, of course, the people being apprehended here have outstanding warrants and are wanted by authorities for alleged unpaid child support.
The mother filed a motion for summary judgment seeking an order that, among other things, the father pay child support based on the Child Support Guidelines, an order that the father pay his share of the child's section 7 expenses, and that the father settle unpaid child support (i.e. arrears).
In an Ontario Court of Appeal case called Defrancesco v. Coutu, the issue was whether a father should be entirely relieved of having to pay $ 40,000 in unpaid child support arrears that had accumulated over almost a decade.
Unpaid child support often entails serious legal consequences.
If the parent owes unpaid child support, the amount of withholding may increase if a court finds that the parent has accrued arrearages.
Tennessee laws also allow for driver's license suspension, revocation of professional licenses, denial of a U.S. passport application and tax refund interception as the legal consequences of unpaid child support.
So if a state governmental agency files in district court a fraudulent claim saying that you owe thousands of dollars in unpaid child support but actually you overpaid by thousands because the money was seized by Social Security.
Again, it's best not to fall into the trap of withholding visitations over unpaid child support.
Question for LBW readers: Is it OK or not OK for law enforcement to use trickery to track down fathers with outstanding warrants alleging unpaid child support?
Most states allow mom to collect interest on (ordered but) unpaid child support at a rate set by statute.
And if you owe the IRS or a state tax agency, have unpaid child support or have past - due federal debts, such as student loans, your refund could be applied to that instead.
According to the Victorville Daily Press, «the group mass - mailed fliers with personal attacks against Coffey including accusations of domestic violence and unpaid child support
In addition, if you have excessive income, unpaid child support, a previous foreclosure, tax liens or a recent bankruptcy, you won't qualify for most first - time home buyer grants.
Mostly, they can not come after you for unpaid child support.
Your ex's back taxes, unpaid child support, or defaulted consumer loans can all come back to haunt you in the form of a lien against your home equity.
So with this in mind, if you have thousands of dollars in unpaid child support, a mortgage you can not afford, and a DUI fine... bankruptcy is probably not your best option.
Your 2007 refund will be used to satisfy any outstanding debts owed to the IRS, unpaid child support, and any delinquent federal student loans
The Family Responsibility Office can garnish your wages for unpaid child support.
[26] The bill's opponents were especially critical of provisions that expanded exemptions to the discharge of credit card debt, forcing spouses owed alimony to compete more often with credit card companies and other lenders for their unpaid child support.
Tax refunds, unemployment benefits, and even disability insurance or worker's compensation payments can be intercepted and garnished to satisfy any unpaid child support: the Franchise Tax Board can seize bank accounts, vacant land, and personal property.
Attorney Eric S. Johnson helped his client obtain a judgment for unpaid child support.
Even if you have a large amount of child support arrearages (back, unpaid child support), it is a relatively simple process to get your driver's license back.
Many child support arrearage (back, unpaid child support) cases can be resolved in a quick and easy manner.
Motions arise as needed to deal with issues that can not wait, like unpaid Child Support, or to clarify procedural questions.
Medical providers, attorneys, the IRS, unpaid child support, unpaid bills, attorneys, rental car companies, and anyone that has a judgment against you are also lien holders!
A suspended or revoked driver's license may be issued due to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, unpaid child support, unpaid traffic tickets and more.
Some states apply interest to unpaid child support, and the noncustodial parent may also owe money for court costs, genetic testing or attorney fees.
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