Sentences with phrase «unplanned unassisted birth»

I originally shared this after one of our couples had an unplanned unassisted birth couple encountered in the hospital, and they were not treated very kindly upon arriving or throughout their hospital stay.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What happens for parents who have a planned or unplanned unassisted birth, are there any complications with registering their child's birth?

Not exact matches

Now, if they were planning a birth center birth and unplanned, the baby came really quickly, usually, they'll still allow us to write a letter because we had been you know, we have knowledge of the family and we were providing care all through the pregnancy so we knew this mom and we took care of her immediately after the birth, but if that's not the case and a family just has an unassisted birth, they definitely need two people who witness the birth to go with them or a letter from someone who witnesses the birth.
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