Sentences with phrase «unpredictability of the changing climate»

«With the unpredictability of the changing climate, farmers have no means of telling whether or not their farms will be affected.

Not exact matches

During the debate, students used several ideas from the unit, discussed sustainability, climate change, the unpredictability of technology, and the value of entertainment.
In Ethiopia, the impacts of climate change are easy to see, from the increasing frequency of dry periods and droughts, to the unpredictability of rains.
The rains, at least meteorologically speaking, were not unexpected; the combination of slow - moving, low - pressure tropical air mass fed by high sea surface temperatures, and record humidity — in addition to the unpredictability of climate change — make catastrophic floods more likely.
«The fact that there is a distribution of future climate changes arises not only because of incomplete understanding of the climate system (e.g. the unknown value of the climate sensitivity, different climate model responses, etc.), but also because of the inherent unpredictability of climate (e.g. unknowable future climate forcings and regional differences in the climate system response to a given forcing because of chaos).
Juakola — Thanks for the provocative reference, and its description of the nature, magnitude, and unpredictability of sudden climate changes.
And if you believe, as do many conservatives, that government intervention in markets and in social arrangements should be kept to a minimum, you can find factual support for your views in the long - term unpredictability of regional climate behavior, the significant economic and social costs associated with shifting to more expensive energy sources, and the historical failure of government efforts to steer large - scale social and economic change.
The ensuing discussion was a simple proxy of some of the issues I was beginning to see raised in the discussions surrounding climate engineering proposals: controversy around the legality of intentionally changing the atmosphere (on any scale), suspicion of private interest in the name of the public good, confusion regarding the science behind it, unpredictability of the outcomes, or questionable logic of nature conservancy rules, to name a few.
She complains about» the cyclist, the most morally pure of road users, the ethical standard - bearer for healthy living, a challenge to climate change, and the ones who are starting to completely terrify me for their unpredictability and aggression.»
Floods, droughts, hurricanes, sea - level rise and seasonal unpredictability - hallmarks of climate change - are affecting people's rights to life, security, food, water, health and shelter in all corners of the world today.
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