Sentences with phrase «unpredictable life schedule»

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But unpredictable schedules not only make it harder for workers to determine their incomes, they also make it hard to plan for childcare and family life.
My working life is varied and unpredictable, and I need to be able to adapt my commitments at Birkbeck to fit in with the rest of an extremely busy schedule.
As you know, modern living comes with artificial light after sunset, consistent indoor temperatures whether the sun is at high noon or long gone behind the horizon, unpredictable schedules, and chronic low - grade stress.
In family law, at least, your workflow can be unpredictable — after all, the ups and downs of people's lives don't tend to follow a set schedule, so you have to be able react quickly whenever a new issue arises.
[26] It is apparent that the Father's unpredictable work schedule and changing living arrangements are obstacles to the parenting arrangement he seeks.
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