Sentences with phrase «unrecognized needs»

The link back to women's unrecognized needs as mothers is clear:
Will the industry be constantly spewing out products to meet still - unrecognized needs, meaning that the companies have to focus on marketing strategies?
We serve customers by not only meeting their expectations but also their desires and even their unrecognized needs.
Even as a nonbeliever, Philippa finds in the Anglican mass a reminder of her unrecognized need to believe: «It was, after all, no hardship to listen to Cranmer's prose, or as much of it as the revisers had left unmutilated.

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Rather, it is when sins are socially acceptable, unrecognized, or a part of our cultural fabric that we need most to pronounce them as such.
This article reminds Biblical scholars of the need to consider the implications of racism in the history of scholarship within their discipline, and points out that «the place of race in the formation of our discipline remains unrecognized and invisible.
This unrecognized threat is the widespread blindness of liberal churches to the nature and needs of their unique constituency.
We just need to shop carefully to find quality players who are blocked or unrecognized in their current organizations.
But focusing on the normal does not mean that problems go unrecognized or unattended; rather they are viewed as imbalances that need to be righted, not expected or feared.
With a large percentage of the US population feeling unrecognized and unheard, maternal and mental health care is exactly what we need most.
The pile of dead bees ended up revealing a previously unrecognized suspect in colony collapse disorder — a mysterious condition that for several years has been causing declines in U.S. honeybee populations, which are needed to pollinate many important crops.
Beynon, who studies drug use in the elderly, notes that people who are growing older while using drugs have needs that may be unrecognized — especially if they have problems typical of those at an even more advanced age.
Atkins claimed there are two main unrecognized factors about Western eating habits, arguing firstly that the main cause of obesity is eating refined carbohydrates, particularly sugar, flour, and high - fructose corn syrups; and secondly, that saturated fat is overrated as a nutritional problem, and that only trans fats from sources such as hydrogenated oils need to be avoided.
Learn the key features of BED and how you can avoid exacerbating your clients» struggles and help them find the help they need to overcome this often - unrecognized disorder.
Atkins claimed there are two main unrecognized factors about Western eating habits, arguing firstly that the main cause of obesity is eating refined carbohydrates, particularly sugar, flour, and high - fructose corn syrups; and secondly, that saturated fat is overrated as a nutritional problem, and that only trans fats from sources such as hydrogenated oils need to be avoided.
«The long - term health and well - being of students experiencing homelessness are in danger, yet until now the unique needs and risks these students face have gone unrecognized,» the researchers wrote.
As the principal of your school, you understand how detrimental it can be when your students» social and emotional needs go unrecognized and unaddressed.
But other times they're upset about an unrecognized or intangible need that wasn't met by their publishing journey; rather than go inwards and seek change and self - knowledge, they push the blame onto others.
The «verge of being fixed» part means that you need to identify a catalyst which might unlock the firm's unrecognized potential.
Even though it doesn't eliminate the need for further injections after a bite, pre-exposure prophylaxis (1) simplifies prophylaxis after exposure, (2) primes the immune response in case of unrecognized exposure (as in a bat bite) bridging the gap of an unintended delay in medical attention, and (3) provides immunity between exposure and prophylaxis in remote areas where it may not be available.
Some veterinarians [citation needed] have noted servals have smaller livers relative to their body sizes than domestic cats, and some Savannahs inherit this, but the medical consequence of this is unrecognized and is likely to be of no consequence.
While they may be surviving, their health concerns are often unrecognized and their needs are not being met.
By adopting the title ILLUMInations the 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale also aspires literally to shed light on the institution itself, drawing attention to dormant and unrecognized opportunities, as well as to conventions that need to be challenged.
For David Hammons, a body print evoked white fears, unrecognized black needs, and his own carefully nurtured invisibility.
[5] Curiger explained that the name of the exhibition was meant to «shed light on the institution itself, drawing attention to dormant and unrecognized opportunities, as well as to conventions that need to be challenged.»
Lamm says: «Great lawyers help clients identify and think through their unrecognized legal needs
Jordan Furlong: Yeah, it is and folks, if you haven't seen it, look it up because what is basically established is, we talk about the access to justice gap and unmet legal needs, but there is a huge category of simply unrecognized, unrealized legal needs.
According to Gray, «for companies owning key man insurance policies that are no longer needed, a life settlement may present a unique opportunity to receive maximum policy value for a potentially unrecognized asset.
Thereby, my feelings and needs will go unrecognized».
These issues not infrequently are subsumed under the compelling and usually inarticulated or unrecognized emotional needs of the stepmother described under item (1), above.
The rush to the bottom of the Realtor well of irrelevancy is well underway (pun intended) thanks to what I label as the unrecognized psychology of the self - serving communal thinking practices of Organized Real Estate top level comfortably - salaried bureaucrats (not the here today, gone next year regularly turned over faux president puppets), who, because they are in perpetual positions of conflict of interest (more dues from more registrants equals more money for their in - house empires, which thus creates more guaranteed money for them personally and thence for their underling cronies which in turn leads to a solidification of their own top jobs as well as for their underlings» jobs over whom «they» need to be seen as being in control of... which is as usual job one) do what is best for themselves first, in order to avoid becoming being viewed as being redundant in the eyes of their tax - payers... the one - hundred thousand plus Canada - wide money - supplying whether - they - know - what - they - are - doing - or - not registrants.
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