Sentences with phrase «unrelated things»

This has also helped me see connections in seemingly unrelated things.
Just because I love writing doesn't mean I can't also love other unrelated things.
But now that revelation has become a revolution in which companies, investors and policymakers use analysis of huge datasets to discover empirical correlations between seemingly unrelated things.
A couple of unrelated things in this post.
Price has a gift for affective association: she can link apparently unrelated things in ways that chime visually and emotionally, just as our unconscious minds do during sleep.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on the push to expand the DNA database bill: «I don't want to play the normal Albany game with this bill, which is, let's use this bill to accomplish unrelated things that we want to get done anyway.»
Imagine your lovemaking experience if you were required to answer questions, talk about unrelated things, if there were bright lights, noise and people coming and going.
«Rapamycin is already used in humans for unrelated things,» says Steven Austad, scientific director of the American Federation for Aging Research and chair of the University of Alabama at Birmingham biology department.
«One ultimate source of our feelings about our relationships can be reduced to how we associate our partners with positive affect, and those associations can come from our partners but also from unrelated things, like puppies and bunnies,» McNulty explained.
The funniest bits are asides (like flashback montages) or running gags, which simply jab at unrelated things.
continued From the author... «Rock Paper Tiger is an example of my «magpie» method of plotting — take a bunch of unrelated things swirling around in the ether and see if I can somehow make them go together.
Join the official Double Fine Action Discord server at / doublefine and chat with us about all things Double Fine, and lots of other unrelated things too.
This does not mean that strategy games can not have other totally unrelated things going on as well, like social elements, random elements, execution elements — it just means that at their core, this is how they fundamentally work.
The juxtaposition with the twitchy dancers was a perfect example of how unrelated things can operate in complete synchronicity.
As Dewey showed in his «The Case for Cycles» paper, and as many others have shown before, contemporaneously and since, there are often found cycles in seemingly unrelated things which have common period and phase — Dewey calls this cycle synchrony.
If you're stumped for notions — and it's surprising how empty the mind goes when you've got to come up with a few crazy unrelated things — you can hit the random button.
He used «pattern disconnect», a marketing technique that combines two unrelated things like real estate and free popsicles, to get people's attention.
Mixing and juxtaposing seemingly unrelated things and making it work.
«I don't want to play the normal Albany game with this bill, which is, let's use this bill to accomplish unrelated things that we want to get done anyway,» Cuomo told reporters after his remarks.
I enjoy anime / manga of course, along with Halo, Linkin Park, and a few other unrelated things.
Never ever send two unrelated things in the same envelope to anyone, let alone to the IRS.
Most adults spend eight hours a day doing totally different, unrelated things.
@indigochild - The question specifically asked about the US senate in comparison to the electorate though, and in that specific case its is essentially a combo of the design of the Senate and a historical accident between two unrelated things.
When the person walks through the door, you don't see a ear, a heart or kidney, there is a whole process, so you need to just take into consideration the fact that whatever it is that you are seeing, there could be an underlining factor related to other unrelated things that you might want to consider.
But you're mixing up State and Federal AMT, these are unrelated things.
If the relationship holds, seemingly unrelated things will affect the performance of stock prices.
Perhaps I'm naive, but, for me, one of the really surprising implications arising from Martin and Quinn's model is that the merits of the legal arguments before the court are largely irrelevant to the decision rendered, and it is Ayres's «seemingly unrelated things» that affect the outcome most.
What it does is spoon feed you seemingly unrelated things, and major revelations will then follow.
If you're switching jobs in the same field from one company to another, you're covered, but if you're switching careers from one thing to an unrelated thing (such as electrician to writer), you're not.
Be specific and try not bombard your contacts with different, unrelated things you want to accomplish in your professional career.
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