Sentences with phrase «unrepresentative people»

... a tourist can't help but have a distorted opinion of a place: he meets unrepresentative people, has unrepresentative experiences, and runs around imposing upon the place the fantastic mental pictures he had in his head when he got there.
More to the point, few of these studies have yet to be replicated, and most of them rely on a handful of unrepresentative people (US undergrads) who are asked to undertake the kind of lab - controlled tasks that usually share a questionable (at best) relationship with real world activities.

Not exact matches

So if the general population is at fault for having no choice but to elect yet another fraudulent and unrepresentative politician to some public office, then at least the prerequisites for running are faulty, the process absent of any oversight, the office free of any accountability, and the whole government essentially run by people who do not respect the law, to put it nicely.
They usually show people displaying eternal smiles, which are usually unrepresentative of the faces they really wore.
Another way of looking at it is as an opinion poll using an unrepresentative sample, as the sample only includes people who place bets.
Moreover, samples are often unrepresentative of the population, introducing systemic biases by overweighting the preferences of certain demographics: Yair Lapid had always predicted that he would win more seats than he was forecast, because pollsters relied on calling people by landline, and his supporters, predominantly young, had only mobile phones.
Some people have however suggested to purposefully vote on parties with no chance of going to the parliament, with the aim of showing how unrepresentative the parliament is.
This is the case not least because their views on the ethics of assisted dying for the terminally ill or equal rights for gay people or state - funded religious schools were unrepresentative and often lay far outside the mainstream.
«It's not necessarily Islam - sometimes it's our cultural sensitivities, our multiculturalist approach that says let's treat these people as separate blocs and let's listen to often unrepresentative bodies that pretend to represent them,» he told Today.
Instead, Tanne approaches these characters as people who are unrepresentative of anything or anyone other than themselves — in this moment and at this point in their lives.
Drugs are tested by the people who manufacture them, in poorly designed trials, on hopelessly small numbers of weird, unrepresentative patients, and analysed using techniques which are flawed by design, in such a way that they exaggerate the benefits of treatments.
Not only do most people not live in white cube contemporary dream homes, such homes are unrepresentative of how the majority choose to live — even if many of us dream about it from time to time.
Active steps are requited to secure a less unrepresentative pool: this requires not merely radical changes in the methods by which the pool is assembled, but a significant investment of money to ensure that rural people can travel the often substantial distances to the place of the trial without financial loss, and a regime that offers meaningful assistance with day care for children and dependent adults.
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