Sentences with phrase «unsafe sleep surface»

An infant who is * safe * bedsharing with their non-smoker, sober, breastfeeding mother is still sleeping on unsafe sleep surface to begin with.
Sleep - related deaths due to unsafe sleep environment (unsafe sleep surface, unsafe bedding, unsafe sleep position, bedsharing) annually cause more completely preventable infant loss than all other top ten causes of infant injury deaths combined.
Further, it has been shown that in the majority of cases where a child was apparently suffocated, some abnormal sleeping arrangement was present, such as too many people in too small a bed, parents under the influence of sleep - altering drugs or alcohol, or unsafe sleeping surfaces such as couches or bean bags.
For instance, it has been suggested that the physical restraint associated with swaddling may prevent infants placed supine from rolling to the prone position.299 One study's results suggested a decrease in SIDS rate with swaddling if the infant was supine, 182 but it was notable that there was an increased risk of SIDS if the infant was swaddled and placed in the prone position.182 Although a recent study found a 31-fold increase in SIDS risk with swaddling, the analysis was not stratified according to sleep position.171 Although it may be more likely that parents will initially place a swaddled infant supine, this protective effect may be offset by the 12-fold increased risk of SIDS if the infant is either placed or rolls to the prone position when swaddled.182, 300 Moreover, there is no evidence that swaddling reduces bed - sharing or use of unsafe sleep surfaces, promotes breastfeeding, or reduces maternal cigarette smoking.
• Sleep surface: Unsafe sleep surfaces (anything other than a crib, bassinet or playpen) were found in 72 percent of sleep - related infant injury cases.

Not exact matches

Bed sharing is the unsafe practice of sharing a sleeping surface, such as your bed, with your baby.
Unsafe infant sleep practices, including sleeping with an infant on a couch, recliner, or other non-bed surface, are not accepted forms of cosleeping or bedsharing.
Some sources publicize bed - sharing as an unsafe practice, no matter how it's done, but there are ways to sleep safely while bed - sharing if you follow guidelines for safe sleep surfaces and safe sleep sharing.
Indeed, if a baby dies in what is defined as an «unsafe sleep environment,» such as all non-crib sleeping deaths, those babies are no longer regarded as SIDS deaths, when in fact, they could be.9 More problematic is the fact that the SUID diagnosis is being applied abundantly in cases where an infant is found dead sleeping next to a parent on the same surface, no matter what the social or physical circumstances.26
Most were sleeping on an unsafe surface such as an adult bed, sofa or chair and most were sleeping with at least one other person.
Most were sleeping on an unsafe surface such as an adult bed, sofa or chair and most were... Continue reading →
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