Sentences with phrase «unsubstantiated comments»

Full Representation REALTORS are simply tired of the false propaganda and unsubstantiated comments that Limited Representation REALTORS continue to pontificate, for their own self interests.
Do not use unsubstantiated comments such as «quick learner» or «hard worker», always demonstrate your skills with examples.
Dr. Curry's main complaint seems to be tribalism, but she has wandered further into the forest tribe of «phrenologic climate science» with her unsubstantiated comments / claims, and apparently still has not yet cleared the air with any specifics as to her contexts in those specific arguments.
He wrote a letter withdrawing and apologizing for the unsubstantiated comment but not the main thrust of the article.

Not exact matches

Like virtually all unsubstantiated reports regarding Apple, which refused to comment, this one is short on details and proposes a range of possible routes the company could take with a streaming service.
In response to Fortune «s request for comment, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung sent a campaign statement saying, «These outlandish, unsubstantiated, and totally false claims fabricated by publicity hungry, opportunistic, disgruntled former employees, have no merit whatsoever.»
I hope that readers of this blog can differentiate between your unsubstantiated, anonymous comments and my legitimate comments.
While I, and others that I have invited to look at our comments, find them contradictory, unsubstantiated, and circular in reasoning, I still respect him for his efforts.
why are you writing bs comments about unsubstantiated conversations that Wenger had for transfers that haven't happened and then beating AFC up for what you think will then follow in the subsequent years??
An unsubstantiated report from a rag, or a comment from an Arsenal team - mate?
Baby Milk Action's position reflects this expert opinion, so is not ideological and unsubstantiated as suggested in the comment.
But many white college students, Warikoo found, may be hesitant to discuss racial issues because they worry their comments will come off as racist or unsubstantiated.
We will not publish questions / comments that include personal attacks on participants in these discussions, that make false or unsubstantiated allegations, that purport to quote people or reports where the purported quote or fact can not be easily verified, or questions / comments that include vulgar language or libellous statements.
A Microsoft spokesperson has stepped in to comment: «We're constantly working to expand and improve on experiences for Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE, however, this rumour is completely unsubstantiated
Let's take out the weasel words and unsubstantiated assertions, which render your comment meaningless, and just write what you really mean.
That comment is a pile of unsubstantiated and unsubstantiatable assertions that are clearly based on a religious like belief.
We will not publish questions / comments that include personal attacks on participants in these discussions, that make false or unsubstantiated allegations, that purport to quote people or reports where the purported quote or fact can not be easily verified, or questions / comments that include vulgar language or libellous statements.
tallbloke says: July 31, 2011 at 11:28 am My comment was in relation to your persistent and unsubstantiated dissing of Wolff and Patrone The abstract of W&P starts out: «We derive a perturbation inside a rotating star that occurs when the star is accelerated by orbiting bodies».
Thanks for the comments, but I will take scientifically sourced and published material over an unsubstantiated anonymous comment any day of the week.
Your comments are also too loaded with unsubstantiated accusations to be taken seriously in a reasonable debate: «hard - wired», «falsehoods», etc..
Doug's comment to the effect that showing how realtor's do other things outside of real estate «does nothing» to enhance professionalism in the industry is baseless and unsubstantiated.
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