Sentences with word «untenured»

I think, for instance, of the «New Wineskins» project at Notre Dame, where advanced graduate students and untenured professors from various institutions gathered this past summer to discuss issues facing Catholic moral theology.
We noted the systematic dismissal of editors who publish peer - reviewed papers questioning climate alarm, as well as the legitimate fears of untenured faculty whose promotions depend on publications and grant support.
In 2004, the Chicago Public Schools changed its policies to allow principals» evaluations of untenured teachers to influence layoff decisions (see «Principled Principals» research).
The Philadelphia College of Textiles & Science, for example, recently moved in that direction to gain more flexibility than was possible under its previous faculty handbook, which had allowed for only one kind of untenured position: a five - year, visiting appointment.
The HRG - created junior professorships, as untenured positions, by definition can not fill this gap.
Mulgrew said Fisher was railroaded and feared other untenured staffers could suffer the same fate without an overhaul of the OSI.
Until 1 September 2003, untenured full - time faculty, nonfaculty administrators, postdocs, and other employees lacked access to paid maternity leave benefits.
I don't believe the response pattern should be different for tenured vs. untenured faculty.
Long before COBE, during his wayward untenured days, Weiss hatched the idea that would become LIGO.
To be eligible, you must have a PhD AND be untenured in a tenure - track assistant professor - type position at a 2 - or 4 - year academic institution or a «non-profit, non-degree-granting organization» (like a museum or non-profit)(we summarized a lot of particulars here — be sure to read the specifics on the linked program solicitation).
Comparing the characteristics of dismissed versus non-dismissed untenured teachers within the same school and year, Jacob was able to determine how much weight principals place on a variety of teacher characteristics.
Such subjective performance assessments are already used to evaluate untenured teachers, and they play a large role in promotion and compensation decisions in other occupations.
«If I'm a new untenured teacher, I could be very focused on trying to make sure those kids do well on the test,» said David Getz, principal of East Side Middle School, one of the top performing middle schools in New York City.
Then new or untenured scientists will have a harder time getting published than established ones «in the old boys club.»
Can anyone imagine untenured Canadian legal academics undertaking a study whose question is: why do motion and trial judges write judgments?
As in past years, we will bring together young scholars — untenured professors, postdoctoral scholars, and dissertation - writing doctoral students — to discuss primary sources from the founding era on the origins of the American understanding of church - state relations and religious freedom.
When teachers are hired, it is common for them to serve as untenured, probationary employees for three or four years.
William R. Brown, a professor of English at the Philadelphia college, worries that untenured faculty members will be less likely to voice controversial opinions, because they serve at the pleasure of the administration.
There are a whole host of issues associated with observations (e.g., the number of times a tenured or untenured teacher must be observed per year, who can do the observing, which rubrics are allowed).
Mainly, OLS was a burgeoning sense among a handful of untenured, underemployed workers in the felds of visual art and higher education that mandatory artfulness and mandatory inventiveness were about to enter mainstream academia in a major way.
In a 1983 document entitled «Priorities and Commitments for Excellence,» Notre Dame Provost Timothy O'Meara reported that 55 percent of the untenured regular faculty were Catholic.
Church and State Seminar: Religion and Liberty in the American Founding Era (July 24 — 30, 2016) is open to untenured faculty and post-doctoral scholars in history, political theory, law, and religion (dissertation - stage doctoral students will also be considered).
An emotionally charged session on sexual harassment in anthropology began with audible gasps last week when a young, untenured professor * described to a standing room — only crowd how she had been humiliated recently when she participated in an otherwise all - male scientific workshop.
It was the fall of 1991 and I was untenured, 32 years old, and 7 months pregnant.
The grassroots Snowmass Young Physicist Movement (YPM) conducted an online poll and held more than a dozen town hall meetings to find out what graduate students, postdocs, and untenured faculty members are thinking.
One scientist, an untenured professor, feared talking about the need for a solution lest her colleagues think she is not serious about her career.
After years of working essentially as a volunteer, Noether finally became an untenured associate math professor in 1922 at Göttingen, where she was allotted a modest salary.
«As an untenured junior faculty member, there's a lot of pressure,» Motyl says.
Provides up to $ 20,000 in matching funds to regular faculty — untenured or tenure - track — at selected institutions in the fields of mathematics, science, engineering, or technology faced with urgent family responsibilities so that they can take a leave with salary or, after a leave, resume research.
Right after the march, the protesters «decided to create a national network of Ph.D. students and untenured professors and untenured researchers,» Leuzzi says — a larger network that now, he hopes, will give them more clout.
There's the rub, for me at least: I signed on with an untenured professor who, although he probably wouldn't say this, has no interest in allowing me to explore my interests unless those explorations will directly — and definitely — benefit him.
In case you missed my last column, it's the old «untenured - new - faculty - needs - first - big - grant - and - you're - working - on - the - project» syndrome.
One of the older students proclaims, «If the mailman doesn't work, neither do I.» Then there are those of us working with the untenured professors.
Sorry, no Playing the Game this month, although if anyone has suggestions for dealing with research anxiety and untenured faculty, let me know — I'll be happy to include your comments next time.
Or is it simply that working for an untenured, still - new - to - the - system faculty member desperately seeking funding is something I should have thought twice about?
«I've had tenure only three of the nine years I've been an administrator, so being untenured is a way of life for me but the extra money would pay for more Caribbean vacations than tenure would.»
When new teachers are hired in Connecticut, they serve as untenured, probationary employees for four years.
As scientists, we must build a coherent, evidence - based communication plan to participate in public dialogue across an acrimonious, partisan, human landscape — because it is a shark tank out there, especially for younger, untenured (and marginalized) academics.
And then there is me: an untenured, assistant professor with five kids, who left a generally successful practice career to teach at Charlotte School of Law.
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