Sentences with phrase «until after your first few days»

That being said, if everyone is wearing jeans, it might still be best to wait until after your first few days to follow suit (pun intended!).

Not exact matches

You'll obviously want everything running smoothly again as soon as possible, but it helps to establish a timeframe to prioritize what needs to be addressed in the first 24 to 48 hours, and what can wait until a few days after the disruption.
The AAP recommends that all breastfed babies begin getting vitamin D supplements within the first few days of life, continuing until they get enough vitamin D - fortified formula or milk (after 1 year of age).
It is thought by many that there is «no milk» during the first few days after the baby is born, and that until the milk «comes in» some sort of supplementation is necessary.
You're running off adrenaline and excitement during those first few days after giving birth and for me, the exhaustion didn't kick in until the second day after we got home.
We started back after Christmas in the second week of January (schools don't return until a few days after Epiphany - January 6th - in Cyprus) and went with this routine fairly well for the first week.
By the second trimester of pregnancy colostrum, a thick yellowish fluid, begins to be produced in the alveoli and continues to be produced for the first few days until the milk «comes in», around 30 to 40 hours after delivery.
I didn't notice a difference until today, but look at how much more the milk I produced Friday resembles colostrum (The super milk full of antibodies and leukocytes you make during the first few days after birth) and this comes after nursing the baby with a cold all night long.
Regardless of the actual time frame, the first few days or weeks after you return to work may be difficult until you and your baby develop a new routine.
After the first few days of dramatics, crying and angry breakup music, things should calm down — until your teen has a bad day again.
For the first few days after birth a mother produces colostrum, which is a thick paste - like substance that can sustain babies until their mother's milk comes in.
It's is better to start slowly: practice at first for five minutes every day, and after a few days you can gradually increases the time frame until it reaches 15 minutes.
After you have watched the entire video once, just fast forward through the intro (the first five minutes or so) and follow along for the next few days until you have the exercises memorized.
Work out in a fasted state, consider intermittent fasting — Although advanced techniques to get to super low body fat percentages are beyond the scope of this article, here's another tactic if you want to drop the last few percentage points: strength train in a fasted state, and don't consume your first meal of the day until AFTER your workout.
My girlfriend fell in love with this phone when she first saw it at AT&T a few days after the official release and has since refused to sleep with me until I buy it for her.
We did not realize this until the rescue staff mentioned to us that Buddy would be exactly nine weeks old a few days after he first moved in with us.
(The show first opened on Oct. 27 and was originally planned to run until Dec. 15, but it was temporarily suspended a few days after it debuted while the gallery recovered from Hurricane Sandy damage, and weeks later reopened with revised dates.)
If he's high strung and high energy, keep him on a leash when you're first introducing him to your baby and even for a few days after that until you feel comfortable.
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