Sentences with phrase «until equilibrium»

But I would add that the number of large law firms is likely to decline at an accelerated rate until the equilibrium of the new normal is reached.
Once the magmatism ceases the energy is gradually lost (with declining global temperature) until equilibrium is reached again (8 degrees colder than today).
Whatever it is it CAN NOT be that AT ANY TIME in the exchange until equilibrium is reached that the Cooler is Heating the Warmer.
«True» OLR is not directly related to tau; if tau is increased by additional CO2 and «true» OLR decreases temporarily, the earth may warm until equilibrium is restored and OLR again equals F0.
Today we're just skipping that first natural warming step by injecting GHGs directly into the atmosphere, which is already inducing warming, which will result in yet more GHGs being released naturally, etc., until equilibrium — and a warmer climate — is reached.
The paleo record is not at all ambiguous: as temperature rose in response to natural increases in insolation more GHGs were released into the atmosphere (mainly CO2, CH4, and H2O), and then those GHGs induced yet more warming, which released yet more GHGs, etc., until equilibrium — and a warmer climate — was reached.
The source and sink processes are not likely to respond identically to changes in climate, thus climate changes will upset this balance and cause forested areas to become net sources or sinks until an equilibrium is established again.
It would increase rapidly at first, with the temperature increase slowing over time until equilibrium was reached.
The idea of atmospheric CO2 increasing due to increasing ocean temperatures, and in turn atmospheric temperatures increasing due to increased CO2 until equilibrium is met really has nothing to do with a dissipative system.
Under greenhouse theory «Energy in» does not change so if the «Energy stored» is increasing then the «Energy out» must diminish until equilibrium is restored.
Q inside the control volume flows until equilibrium and then stops flowing at max.
Until an equilibrium temperature is reached, present day observations will not tell us the exact value of the climate's sensitivity to CO2....»
This CO2 will last in the ATM for hundreds upon hundreds of years which is why Flannery made the claim that even if we stopped emitting CO2 the temp would not begin to fall for a thousand years and whats more the temp would continue to rise until equilibrium is reached again.
Thus the increase of 13CO2 in the atmosphere is halve the speed of the increase of 12CO2 in the water, until the equilibrium for 12CO2 is reached.
It therefore rises until equilibrium is obtained.
The point you missed, I believe, is that in the absence of a conducting mechanism (ala heat pump) the sum flow of energy will be from a warm body to a cold body, until equilibrium is reached.
Rising ocean temperature increases cloud cover until such time as clouds starve the ocean of solar energy until an equilibrium is reached.
As things warm up, outflow rises (more longwave, more convection) until equilibrium is reached at a higher temperature.
(It is to be noted that the same models predict a significant delay until equilibrium is reached, due to the large heat capacity of the Southern ocean.
To cope with this situation, population and consumption will have to fall until an equilibrium is reached.
of anthropogenic CO2 releases that have been taken out of the atmosphere (over and above the amount taken out of the atmosphere that balances the natural additions to the atmosphere), perhaps mainly as a direct biogeochemical feedback (increased CO2 favoring more rapid biological fixation of C, net flux of CO2 into water until equilibrium for the given storage of other involved chemical species in the upper ocean) fairly promptly.
After Saatchi Gallery's Champagne Life exhibition announcement, the Guardian expresses mixed - feelings and Broadly writes that «all - female group shows may have to be a necessity until equilibrium has been achieved.»
So, as the motor comes up to speed the current (and torque) are reduced until an equilibrium is reached.
So we don't really know the temperature lag or how the temperature is supposed to behave until equilibrium, and the sensitivity will be difficult to confirm by direct observation (say, in our lifetime)?
Hence, when the air temperature decreases, ice and snow fields grow, and this continues until an equilibrium is reached.
However, the populations of the methanotrophs will always lag behind the rate of methane production until equilibrium is reached.
«The voltage at the tip is varied until equilibrium is achieved.
At the same time, a built - in potential that opposes ion diffusion is established until equilibrium is reached.
Water moves from the less concentrated egg solution to the more concentrated sugar solution until the equilibrium is reached.

Not exact matches

But another viewpoint is that stocks are rightly volatile now because there is so much uncertainty about where the economy is heading — and canny investors could profit from the big swings, or simply sit them out until the market eventually finds equilibrium.
Well, the Iron Law of Equilibrium ensures that the base money will stay base money until it is retired by the Fed.
But I'm of the school that says, if that is proven — and it is, I think, a little bit in the marketplace — if it is proven to be the case, then people will bid up the prices of value stocks and bid down the prices of growth stocks until they reach an equilibrium and then future returns will be the same.
Many of the people returned a half century later, and the nation remained in unstable equilibrium until the conquest of Palestine by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C. Persecution under the overlord Antiochus Epiphanes, which forms the framework of the Book of Daniel with its lions» den and fiery furnace, led to the outbreak of the Maccabean rebellion.
Stan is merely biding his time until the club settles into a state of equilibrium so he can start raking in the chips.
Now... one could argue that in the LONG RUN, if we lived in a world where markets really WERE competitive, the shifting demand for clothes produced in China would cause Chinese workers wages to rise and U.S. workers wages to fall until some kind of equilibrium is reached.
After being compressed by the collapsing loops, the flaring loops oscillate until they find a new equilibrium, as indicated by the X-ray emission from the hot plasma.
«Until these kinds of innovative products or design methods or construction methods are in the code, they're not likely to be widespread,» says Eric Karsh, a principal engineer at Equilibrium Consulting in Vancouver, who has worked on other tall wooden buildings.
The computer was allowed to run until conditions stabilized at a new equilibrium, and a map could be drawn showing changes in temperature, precipitation, and other factors.
Typically, this will continue slowly until the glacier finds equilibrium with several factors: its own mass, the shape of the fjord, and lastly, the climate.
According to the second law of thermodynamics, its entropy will keep growing until it reaches an equilibrium.
The resulting rough edges dampen the power of the waves, reducing their effect on newly exposed, weaker rock until eventually the process reaches equilibrium.
Ice sheet retreat continues until a new equilibrium temperature state is reached, one determined largely by the end - point of atmospheric CO2.
It is the downwelling that reduces the rate at which energy is leaves the climate system until the temperature of the system rises enough that the rate at which energy enters the system equals the rate at which energy leaves the system — and a new equilibrium is established.
A new option is to continuously flow groundwater through the column until a balance or equilibrium is reached between the radionuclides in the sample and on the beads.
The water vapor feedback overwhelms the Planck response and provided you have enough solar insolation, equilibrium is never established until the water vapor feedback is terminated (i.e., when the oceans are gone)
Chris: I experimented with severe carb restriction a few times and always experienced equilibrium loss within a few days until I started eating carbs again.
At least, that is, until his boss (Jason Bateman) upsets the delicate equilibrium of his life by informing him that the wheels of capitalism require even more lubrication than CTC currently provides.
And that's pretty much it - until a newly arrived neighbor named Molly Ripken (Allison Janney) invites the Winters family over for dinner, upsetting the fragile equilibrium of their bachelor household.
Equilibrium situation between two great superpowers occurred in the twentieth century, from 1945, after the 2nd World War, until 1989, between the United States and the Soviet Union.
After it happens, the path of the US Dollar is down, until a new equilibrium is found.
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