Sentences with phrase «until none remain»

But rather than new tiles appearing or the goal of a high score, Dissembler presens you with over a hundred single - screen collages and asks you to break down the design tile - by - tile, until none remain.
Daily Missions — Players can earn up to a maximum of 20 Dragon Stones a day through Daily Missions from a worldwide pool of 200 million Dragon Stones until none remain.
But rather than new tiles appearing or the goal of a high score, Dissembler presens you with over a hundred single - screen collages and asks you to break down the design tile - by - tile, until none remain.

Not exact matches

11 So Jehu slew all that remained of the house of Ahab in Jezreel, all his great men, and his familiar friends, and his priests, until he left him none remaining.
Whisk together coconut milk, chia seeds and sweetener in a bowl, until none of the lumps from the coconut milk remain
Add all or most — or perhaps none — of the remaining liquid at this point until soup is the preferred consistency.
Windermere's bride of one year, Meg (Scarlett Johansson), remains none the wiser until playboy Lord Darlington (Stephen Campbell Moore), smitten with Meg, decides to reveal Robert's secret in the hope of winning her.
All - or - None Order: An order to buy or sell at a specified quantity and at a specified price (or better) immediately, and the order remains open until executed, either for the day (a day order) or GTC.
The data we've gathered, showing that the sun rose on days N - 1, N - 2, N - 3, etc. might be grist to my Bayesian mill, but are useless for testing the hypothesis, since none of the data can falsify it — the hypothesis remains untested until day N dawns (or doesn't).
None of the projects, except for perhaps Bitcoin, have gone mainstream yet, and until then the crypto market will remain highly speculative.
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