Sentences with phrase «until normal scheduled»

«We feel that to make this successful, there needs to be some acceptable lead time for facilities, and that should include allowing for best available data... until normal scheduled and planned shutdowns or services at our facilities to install the new monitoring devices,» said API's Khary Cauthen, who attended the meeting.

Not exact matches

Do I just ride it out with random naps during the day until he's old enough to do a normal eat / wake / sleep schedule or is there another option?
Power pump until your supply is adequate, and then go back to your normal breastfeeding schedule.
After a couple hours, resume her normal schedule and put a diaper back on her until the next training session.After two or three days of this, she'll probably start asking to go potty even outside of these potty training sessions.
Until your nursing schedule is back to normal, you'll need to pump or hand express to keep your milk supply up and to make sure the baby is getting enough to eat.
Until you begin a normal breastfeeding schedule you may feel discomfort in your breasts as they fill with unused milk.
Travel is not always conducive to your child's normal eating schedule, but these snacks can help ease the hunger beasts until you have the opportunity to have a more substantial meal.
For example, eating on a normal schedule (finishing dinner at 8PM) and then not eating again until 8PM the following day.
I typically don't get hungry until about a hour before my normal eating schedule, granted there are some times I do get hungry (especially heavy workout weeks), but that is also how I picked up another healthy habit of drinking 100oz of water / liquid per day and up to ~ 150oz on heavy workout days (I can shed 6 - 8 lbs of water weight in 2 hrs of Jujitsu grappling).
Seriously, I finally get on a halfway normal schedule during my «weekends» aka Thursday and Friday and then Saturday comes and I don't get off until 4AM.
Note: normal puppy and kitten core vaccination schedules are usually given at 3 to 4 - week intervals until 16 to 18 weeks of age.
Give the missed dose as soon as you remember, then try to evenly space the rest of the doses for that day until you can return to a normal schedule.
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