Sentences with phrase «until puberty»

The two most important goals in this are to monitor the environment at all times (which can usually be obtained at least until puberty even in severe cases), and to provide supervision for those who work with the children in order to avoid regression under the pressure of the child's behaviour problems.
«Do we need to wait until puberty, or can it be at a younger age?
At their recent exhibition at Barbara Gladstone Gallery, Fault Lines, Allora & Calzadilla worked with trebles — boys who sing as sopranos until puberty when their voices break — from the American Boychoir School and Transfiguration Boychoir.
We vaccinate our children against hepatitis, polio and influenza when they're infants and toddlers, giving up to two boosters of some vaccines until puberty.
The juvenile puppy period generally begins at age 10 weeks and lasts until puberty and the onset of sexual maturity.
Through his childhood, Eddie battled with bad knees, resulting in a leg brace until puberty.
Preschool boys and girls grow differently, where boys usually are taller than girls but weigh about the same as girls until puberty.
Women who have it are born with the condition, yet most are not diagnosed until puberty when they don't start their period.
«There's a lot of growth in beta cells up until puberty or even young adulthood, but after that, there's a very slow turnover,» she says.
It isn't until puberty that both girls and boys experience a lengthening and thickening of vocal folds that change their vocal range, with males» folds becoming considerably longer and thicker than females».
Cartilage generated in embryos not only regulates skeletal growth until puberty, but also plays a key role in our locomotion as articular cartilage in our joints.
Some children continue co-sleeping all the way until puberty with no issue.
The breast's milk glands stay dormant until puberty, when a rush of estrogen causes them to grow.
If your child is prone to UTIs, or complains that urinating is painful after a bubble bath, avoid bubble baths altogether until puberty or at least until your child can thoroughly rinse her own bottom.
The adult pattern of 15 — 20 % of sleep time being comprised of REM is not achieved until puberty.
After birth, growth of the gland parallels that of the child until puberty.
(2 to 3 kg) per year until puberty starts.
The hardening process of the bones, called ossification, continues until puberty.
Your milk glands stayed quiet until puberty, when a flood of estrogen caused them to grow and swell.
However, a few children don't develop the connections in their brain to be aware of bladder pressure until they are quite old, occasionally even until puberty.
in much of Christianity, however, children are deemed unfit for the central rites until puberty.

Not exact matches

At first, as children before puberty, they were not ashamed — until the reality of their condition became manifest and they were ashamed and naked — even attempting to cover up with fig leaves.
People don't seem to understand the foreskin is attached to the glans until about puberty and it would take a tremendous amount of force to separate the membranes.
The study, by Howard Steele, director of the Attachment Research Unit at University College London, also found, however, that the effects of fathers» relationships with their children do not begin to show until their offspring hit puberty.
Although the fathers» attitudes predicted the children's state of mental health, this did not become apparent until the children hit puberty at the age of 11.
Girls usually don't get their periods until 2 or 2 1/2 years after starting puberty, so if your daughter started puberty later than other girls, she will probably get her period later than other girls as well.
Some don't stop co sleeping until the child reaches puberty.
The new hair that grows in is the hair your child will have until she hits puberty.
When a man goes through puberty, a sperm production line within his testes is set in motion and it continues pumping out millions of sperm each day until he dies.
At birth, the only existing parts of breast anatomy are the milk ducts within the nipple — the alveoli, or milk - producing cells — have not yet formed and not a lot of changes will happen now until the onset of puberty.
To test his hunch that early puberty tracks insecure attachment between mom and baby, Belsky crunched numbers on 373 girls who were followed from birth until their 15th birthday as part of a National Institute of Child Health and Human Development study on early child development.
You will not continue co sleeping with your toddler forever, although some parents have had a lot of success with co sleeping all the way up until their children reach puberty.
As a fellow for two terms (1997 until 1999), Euling assessed the cumulative risk of various toxic agents on development and studied whether certain chemicals in the environment influence the timing of puberty.
To determine how excess body weight alters the timing of puberty, Wang gave mice a high - fat - diet from the date they gave birth and started breastfeeding until they weaned their pups.
As she reaches puberty, the eggs begin to develop and get released, and this process continues until menopause.
A: Kids need about 1,500 milligrams of calcium a day until they hit puberty.
Hi rachael, I am 50 kg, 154 cm and 15 and I was very fit until I hit puberty then I started to gain some weight... Especially around my waist and inner thighs as my outer thighs are muscly.
Liked them until I hit puberty.
Consumption of animal - based products have also been implicated in earlier onset of puberty for girls, which had begun when girls were on average 16 or 17 until the 20th century, but now we see significant numbers of girls starting to grow breasts before they're 8 years old, and increased risk of infertility.
For most men, their free testosterone increases from the time they hit puberty until about 30 years of age or so.
As a child my attention span lasted maybe 10 seconds at a time, so this burning desire to get ripped abs disappeared until around the time I hit puberty.
At puberty stage, the amount of testosterone level starts to increase * until the early ages of 30 years.
They need nothing but water and have no need of outside nutrition until they hit what I call plant puberty which is indicated by the formation of a tap root.
The doctors sayed nothing was wrong, until I hit puberty it got better.How?
This damage is not apparent until after puberty.
Another way to look at this is, from puberty until menopause, a healthy woman's body is making its own natural hormones in synchrony and balance, without giving her cancer, heart disease or strokes.
[pagebreak] Doctors usually don't perform the surgery on children until they have gone through puberty and have stopped growing.
Let's face it, there has always been a substantial element of parentally intended adult humour in of these movies, which the kids, with any luck, are not going to get until well after they've reach puberty.
«I don't know if it was deliberate or not,» Trish Williams, executive director of EdSource, a California nonprofit, told me last winter, «but I know that when my kids were in middle school, one of the best in California, one of the teachers told me that her job was to just hold them and keep them safe until they get through puberty.
«I don't know if it was deliberate or not,» recalls Trish Williams, executive director of EdSource, a California nonprofit, «but I know that when my kids were in middle school, one of the best in California, one of the teachers told me that her job was to just hold them and keep them safe until they get through puberty.
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