Sentences with phrase «untouched by human hands»

Fifthly, your questionable quote (s) really goes off the rails when they assert: «untouched by human hands before the arrival of European Explorers in the 15th Century.»
His structures have only the appearance of being untouched by human hands.
In each case, Rauschenberg's primary aim was to create a painting that looked untouched by human hands, as though it had simply arrived in the world fully formed and absolutely pure.
It really feels as if you have wandered into a nature documentary when glimpsing the wild world untouched by human hands.
The great thing about this particular complex is that it has been nearly untouched by human hands, standing testament to the original architecture of an old civilization.
The location is very remote and virtually untouched by human hands in most places.
Though directors Chin and E. Chai Vaserhelyi take breaks to interview the wives, the documentarians want as many of the eighty - nine minutes taken up with close - ups of the climb, and in a feature that could snatch a nomination for cinematography, Jimmy Chin and Renan Ozturk capture the rain and sleet and pour down on the group as though Mother Nature is determined to keep the summit of Meru pristine, untouched by human hands.
I did want to show readers who were curious what the gray looks like wholly untouched by human hands.
Interestingly, this river formed part of the famous Iron Curtain which came down across Germany after the Second World War, and as a result of this, both riverbanks have been left relatively untouched by human hand, leaving them to become taken over by natural forces.
In the current «Apotheosis,» Korean artists Jinsu Han, an inventor of mechanical engines that do such things as make paintings untouched by the human hand, and Jong Oh, whose minimal interventions with string, Plexiglas, and weight reconstruct space in subtle but far - reaching ways, renewed the entire abandoned building into a grand art project.

Not exact matches

Correspondingly, Rosenkranz is known for filling branded water bottles — Evian, FIJI, SmartWater — with skin and urine hued pigments in a way that reinserts the body into a water filtration process that companies would have us believe is untouched by human's impure hands or even the air we breathe.
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