Sentences with phrase «unusual variety»

My husband and I have recently become addicted to a wonderful spice shop that offers a wide array of unusual varieties of your standard kitchen spices.
I love that more unusual varieties of squash have been more fashionable the last couple of years.
Don't be worried if you can not find a certain chile — we've suggested substitutes for the more unusual varieties.
An American wine writer, W. Blake Grey, recently included in his rather interesting list of 10 things he'd learnt as a wine retailer: 1) the wine press loves unusual varieties but consumers do not, and 2)...
In other words, carry unusual varieties of common items and try hard to stock larger specimens, not the tiny fish you frequently see at Warehouse City.
Yunquera is on the migration route between Europe and Africa and there are many unusual varieties of birds to be seen, including eagles, kites and vultures.
So before citrus season is officially over I wanted to capture the colors and flavors of some of the more unusual varieties that we won't see for much longer in the stores... Cara Cara, blood orange, Meyer lemon, Pomelo... I figure if I make and store away a bunch of these popsicles I'll be able to revisit these wonderful fruits long after they've disappeared from the shelves.
All of the River Cafe cook books are great for a huge and unusual variety of Italian dishes.
Pretty soon the unusual varieties like Meyer lemons, Cara Cara oranges, and pomelos will be a distant memory.
The attribute that makes this tea an unusual variety when compared to Red Rooibos tea, is that it is completely unfermented, it contains a slightly herbal aftertaste, and brews light in color which makes it a perfect companion to those that feel regular Rooibos is too sweet.
Gardeners and seed collectors from all over the world send us seed, and the more unusual the variety is, the greater our temptation is to grow it regardless of origin.
Jim Duffy, chile grower, experimenter, and breeder, occasionally sends me extra pods of unusual varieties...
Jim Duffy, chile grower, experimenter, and breeder, occasionally sends me extra pods of unusual varieties to taste and make sauces with.
Love beetroot, especially the more unusual varieties!
Artichokes are a versatile food, and although some would consider them a vegetable, they are actually an unusual variety of thistle.
But there are some more unusual varieties.
Great characters and deep gameplay mechanics, supported by an unusual variety, make Arc System title an hidden gem.
Though I didn't work at the zoo, his expertise with «exotics» attracted an unusual variety of animal clients.
Tasty Canarian dishes include delicious fresh seafood, from sea bass and sea bream, to more unusual varieties, such as wreckfish and parrot fish.
The Galápagos islands were formed by volcanic eruptions, and form a habitat for an unusual variety of animals.
New paintings by Mike Solomon embrace an unusual variety of formal ambiguity.
Fans of abstraction should rejoice this weekend — there's an unusual variety of exhibitions presenting works ranging from abstract expressionism to contemporary abstraction.
You know you're just asking for it when you go and do ludicrous things like labeling a single Cavendish banana as if it's some kind of unusual variety and sealing it up in a plastic bag.
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