Sentences with phrase «unusual warming»

While most of California is experiencing unusual warm winter temperatures, much of the eastern United States is being slammed by snowstorms and freezing temperatures.
Climate model simulations show that Pinatubo - like eruptions tend to shorten La Niñas, lengthen El Niños and lead to unusual warming during neutral periods, the study says.
During strong climate perturbations such as the 1997 - 1999 El Niño Southern Oscillation that included the most intense El Niño event of the century, which brought unusual warming to the U.S. West Coast, the food chain in the California Current shortened sharply, the scientists found.
As far as the effects are concerned, I'd guess things like ecological effects could take a lot longer than the time we've had historically unusual warming (only the last 20 or so years) because life - cycles of forest trees, for example, take decades.
Greenland was green «CfA's Sallie Baliunas -LSB-...] refers to the medieval Viking sagas as examples of unusual warming around 1003 A.D. «The Vikings established colonies in Greenland at the beginning of the second millennium, but they died out several hundred years later when the climate turned colder,» she notes.»
Continued belief in mystical cycles and «lags» lacking physical mechanisms while disregarding and ignoring actual physical mechanisms (that unusual warming effect is largely the increases in CO2 while other forcings were neutral / negative) is simply practicing climastrology.
Its abstract warns that «projected warming of the Antarctic continent during the 21st century may soon see significant and unusual warming develop across other parts of the Antarctic continent [besides the peninsula]», but no Steigian red spots of supposedly unprecedented warming.
«We detected a specific pattern of ocean cooling south of Greenland and unusual warming off the US coast — which is highly characteristic for a slowdown of the Atlantic overturning, also called the Gulf Stream system,» said the lead author, Levke Caesar from PIK.
With an unusual warm and slightly bitter flavor and, a mild fragrance it is used in curries and gives many foods...
With an unusual warm and slightly bitter flavor and, a mild fragrance it is used in curries and gives many foods...
Because of the unusual warm weather for this time of year and the VOG, we needed to put the AC on in the late afternoon / early evening.
For example, the South Atlantic SST anomalies remained relatively flat for almost 20 years, but then there was an unusual warming Of The South Atlantic during 2009/2010.
The El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a weather system that comes from the unusual warming of the tropical Pacific Ocean occurring erratically in the span of 3 to 6 - year intervals.
Don't fall for the line that «An overwhelming majority of scientists agree that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are causing this unusual warming of our planet.»
Essentially, across many parts of the world, the lack of warming and the lack of unusual warming - i.e. unprecedented, exceptional warming - confirms that the fear of
Essentially, across many parts of the world, the lack of warming and the lack of unusual warming - i.e. unprecedented, exceptional warming - confirms that the fear of human CO2 - driven catastrophic warming is likely very misplaced.
Many different proxy records showing the unusual warming over the past century compared to previous centuries
As far as I can tell (and believe me I have looked) there is precious little evidence of unusual warming, none at all that it is human generated, and now even the evidence that there has been warming at all in the last century is looking shaky.
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