Sentences with phrase «unwanted noise»

The phrase "unwanted noise" refers to sounds that are not pleasant or desired. Full definition
All sources of unwanted noise have been isolated or eliminated, resulting in a refined sound quality across the full operating range.
It serves as device that can help mask out unwanted noise for that perfect night of sleep on any trip.
The acoustic folding roof helps absorb unwanted noise and can be raised at up to 31 mph, letting you keep your hands on the wheel and the wind in your hair.
A high - rigidity frame keeps the circuit boards secure, preventing unwanted noise, and distortion caused by external shifts or vibrations.
All of these things will help eliminate unwanted noise.
But he says a truly practical sensor would need to discriminate between vibration signals while ignoring unwanted noise — a skill that spiders are very good at.
Helping absorb unwanted noise, it keeps the cabin comfortably quiet when the top is up.
Sport Series vehicle line director Andy Palmer said McLaren has sought to reduce unwanted noise from the increased interior and boot volume.
Engineers reduced the size of the apertures in the bulkhead and increased use of sound deadening materials in the dashboard to prevent unwanted noise from entering the cabin.
QuietTuning ™ technology combines triple door sealing, acoustic laminated glass, and specific suspension tuning to block unwanted noise and give you an enjoyably quiet interior.
When we are in a noisy environment, we usually tend to increase the volume when using a headphone, but with Whisper there is no need the noise cancelling feature will keep unwanted noise out and also protects your ear.
Big sporting and cultural events frequently swamp Twitter with unwanted noise.
Patented tech listens and automatically raises the volume to mask unwanted noises.
Architects report that they are getting more and more requests to control unwanted noise in veterinary hospitals they're designing.
These systems are increasingly being used in schools as «sound showers» to help dampen unwanted noise, but also to motivate children with positive soundscapes.
All RDX models feature improved isolation and active sound management that cancels unwanted noise in the Comfort setting and adds a bit of «oomph» to the engine sound in sportier modes.
On the upside, the Shaker audio system, part of our car's Premium trim level, pumped in enough sweet classic rock and snappy New Orleans jazz to keep most unwanted noise at bay.
Very little wind or engine noise intrudes in the cabin, and only the sport - focused tires seem to exhibit unwanted noise.
This unpleasant engine note was also audible while the vehicle was climbing inclines on the highway, feeding unwanted noise into the cabin.
There are no thumps whatsoever from the suspension, nor any other unwanted noises.
Hyundai carves out bins, trays, and slots wherever it can, and most are lined with rubber or felt in order to quell unwanted noise, vibration and harshness.
By removing unwanted noise while concurrently augmenting the welcome sounds that please the ear — specifically the pulse - quickening sounds coming from the GT - R's free - flowing quad - exhaust — the new GT - R invigorates the senses like never before, while maintaining a much quieter cabin at cruising speeds.
This advanced system subdues unwanted noise to enhance cabin quietness - perfect for talking, listening to music or enjoying the peace.
As Australia's first rabbit and guinea pig exclusive veterinary clinic, our restricted species policy allows you and your pets to relax and enjoy a veterinary experience without unwanted noises and smells.
ELAC S10 Debut Series: 200 - Watt Subwoofer With Dual - Flared Vent Against Unwanted Noise, BASH Amplifier, Custom Driver, Extremely Power - Efficient
The biggest problem the HTC One camera faces is image noise in dim conditions or shadow areas, where we've seen unwanted noise even at ISO 100.
Knowing that can help your construction team orient your house the best way and use methods such as extra insulation or sound - controlling windows to muffle unwanted noise.
The Grand Cherokee now features an advanced Noise Cancellation system that allows you to enjoy the sounds of nature or block out unwanted noise.
While it sometimes provides me with an instant source of boredom alleviation, more often than not it's just blasting out a bunch of unwanted noise.
Under the sheetmetal, Hyundai increased sound absorption materials to reduce unwanted noise in the cabin.
QuietTuning ™ technology combines triple door sealing, specific suspension tuning and acoustic laminated glass on the front windshield and front side windows to block unwanted noise and give you an enjoyably quiet interior.
Outfitted with an acoustic folding roof that assists in absorbing unwanted noise, the Audi S5 Cabriolet boasts a precise wave - design, along with an array of thoughtfully placed aluminum accents.
While most bumps and thuds disintegrate before even reaching the cabin's padding, rougher surfaces are bound to fill the cabin with unwanted noise, but I still can't stick the «loudmouth» label on the suspension, not when trips on A and B roads resemble a magic carpet ride.
Many experts (including customers with lots of experience testing various options) agree that white noise is an excellent way to mask unwanted noise and outside sounds while falling asleep or trying to concentrate.
Dr James Windmilll, of the Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering at Strathclyde, said: «Our research aims to create a hearing aid system that can reduce or control unwanted noises, focusing the hearing aid on only the sound arriving from in front of the user.
U.S. and Chilean researchers join to study wind turbine vibration, dampen unwanted noise.
All engines benefit from a standard Bose audio system that incorporates noise cancellation and enhancement technology, cancelling unwanted noises and emphasizing those from the engine deemed pleasant.
The idea revolves around eliminating unwanted noise while using sensor - filled EarPods and multiple microphones.
Inside, the cabin space has been optimized for rear passengers, and all manner of sound deadening material has been applied to keep unwanted noise out, other than the engine snarl.
However, one of the most frequent user concerns is unexpected media playback, which can use data, consume power, and make unwanted noise while browsing,» Google software engineer Mounir Lamouri wrote in a blog post.
This sound - conditioner is a necessity to drown out any unwanted noise.
Others are recordings of natural masking sounds such as waterfalls that help you to block out distractions and unwanted noise
Transport Secretary Chris Grayling denied the government was in chaos, telling BBC Radio 4's Today the spate of recent resignations were «unwanted noise» but there were always «up and downs» in politics.
Unwanted noise is a scourge of modern life.
Its Intelligent Auto functionality controls lighting and motion effects masterfully, and its Wind Shield Microphone technology blocks any unwanted noise from getting in the way.
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