Sentences with phrase «up during the night time»

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In one study, people keeping a gratitude journal slept on average 30 minutes more per night, woke up feeling more refreshed, and had an easier time staying awake during the day compared to those who didn't practice gratitude.»
While things such as courage and motivation helped him during his journey, it was his tenacity that really picked him up during hard times, pushed him to work through late nights and remain positive and upbeat during challenges.
During these times, questions like these keep us up at night:
During 2014, Shark Tank reruns averaged 596,000 viewers every night, adding up to the biggest prime - time audience CNBC had seen since the financial crisis of 2008.
If you've ever traveled across several time zones for work, you probably know the discomfort of being extremely fatigued during the middle of the day, or waking up at the wrong time during the night.
It has been a busy month with our move in particular, so busy that I hadn't really properly written or worked for the entire time except as snatches during 30 minutes of Phineas and Ferb for the tinies, so that night after we had cleaned up the supper dishes, I passed the baby to Brian, he set up the Monopoly board with the tinies, and I went downstairs to get my work done.
I love me a hot beverage any time of day during colder weather, but tea, coffee and even a classic mug of cocoa can keep me up at night thanks to caffeine.
That way, I don't have to bother cutting it up during dinner — I know that makes me sound like the laziest eater ever but these things matter to me since on a good night I am trying to feed myself and two toddlers at the same time.
He prepares his dogs for anything: He might wake them up and feed them in the middle of the night to teach them that, during a race, the time to eat is whenever the food comes.
ESPN has had a recent segment on at half time of the Monday Night Football game that is called «soundtracks» and it is a compilation of some of the best things said by players and coaches who are mic'd up during the games on Sunday.
Whether it's his parent's facing foreclosure on their house in florida, admitting to urinating in Olympic warm - up pool or his mom saying that he doesn't have time for a girlfriend only one night stands, Lochte is all over the media during these London Olympics.
So there you have it, nothing more than a fad, a time during uni holidays where you booze up and watch the late night servings of «soccer» which is good but hardly compares to what you know.
I do have a question, since not many moms I know have chosen to continue breastfeeding this long: we co-sleep, and she still wakes up numerous times during the night.
What happens when you are the ONLY parent that gets up at night to feed the baby and you are getting up 10 - 20 times a night, then you are the only one at home during the day to take care of the baby?
thank goodness my 9th month old baby hits her head o n the right side repeatedly and is up a bunch of times at night she seems okay during day but does hit her head during day time too..
For yourself, napping at the same time as your very young baby can help with sleep deprivation and give you energy to be up during the night for feedings.
I think he could possibly go longer between feedings, except that he wakes up multiple times during the night with wet & dirty diapers.
So if I understand I should be able to drop the dreamfeed, but problem is that they key condition to drop the dreamfeed is that they STTN; well they rarely do, most nights they keep waking up during the night several times.
If you feed a baby before sleeping, she will ask for help to fall asleep every time she wakes up during the night.
He's up multiple times a night crying for hours, cries often during the day.
The only time this was useful was when my babes were learning to sit up on their own and it helped support them or as a head rest for myself during middle of the night feedings.
I feel so content knowing that I'm helping her to grow up day and night and I help her sort through her feelings during these sometimes difficult times of being a 2 - year old by breastfeeding.
What I didn't know: I was only in deep sleep for a short time and I woke up several times during the night.
While my boys are used to their loud humming noise that their humidifier makes and they actually ask for it (they love the white noise), I prefer it more quiet or I am bound to wake up a couple of times during the night.
We did use pull - ups at night and for naps for about a day but he was already staying dry during sleep time so this wan't too much of an issue.
Postpartum doulas offer the same type care during the day that they do at night, only in a quieter way that promotes sleep for babies and parents so they can begin to sync up daytimes and night times.
We'll wake up dozens of times during the night just to make sure our baby is breathing.
I have started feeding him baby food 3 times a day mixed with Oatmeal Cereal to fill his belly at night, and although it did seem to help a little, he still wakes up at least 5 times during the night wanting my nipple to fall back asleep.
It's possible your child is waking up during the night because of pain from teething, so take some time to rule out that possibility before you focus more on stopping the co-sleeping habit.
Sure it was a roller - coaster ride of ups and downs, of crying, of sore nipples, and thinking of giving up as I did not know what I was doing wrong, of pressure from family and friends who were not sure I could produce enough milk, of sleepless nights, and extensive pain because of my cesarean wounds, of managing my time to work, and breastfeeding before leaving for work, during my noon breaks, and after the working day was over.
She does this a few times during the night then wakes up around 4 am for a proper feed.
I can relate to those whose 14 - 24 month old children are still waking up multiple times during the night and not wanting to stay in their cribs, possibly throwing tantrums to get in bed with mom & dad.
If you find your baby going a longer stretch at night then he will have to find a way to make up for the other times during the day.
I can't tell you how many nights I have been up late washing diapers because I couldn't find time during the day.
As your pregnancy progresses, you may find it more difficult to find a comfortable position, or you may have to get up several times during the night to empty your increasingly cramped bladder.
I'm so exhausted from getting up so many times during the night.
It's time to set up a pattern of putting her to sleep that will work for her during the night and at naps.
If you sign up for these deals during certain times of the day and night, you get access to cheap electric.
he has been waking up more during the night to comfort feed but for longer periods of time now since he stopped drinking a bottle during the day he was 7 months when he stopped and I can't take the rubbing of the teeth on my nipple it hurts really bad and I tried nipple covers but he thinks it's a bottle nipple and he bit me.
«When we first brought Peyton home from the hospital he would wake up every two to 2 1/2 hours, and we would have to feed him two to three times during the night
Even «good» sleepers can have times when they can't fall asleep, or they may wake up and not be able to settle themselves back down during the night.
Whereas, a baby who is only sleeping 11 hours over night, waking up 2 - 4 times each night and taking 45 - 60 mins during the day is likely to be still taking 3 naps a day with a 2 hour awake window.
During a sleep regression, a baby will suddenly have a hard time falling asleep, wake up constantly over night, stay awake through nap times, and of course will end up being tired, cranky, and miserable.
My daughter is about to turn 4 this valentines day and she is fully trained during the day and during nap time; however when night time arrives she needs a pull up as she has accidents due to her deep sleeping.
My only problem is she wakes up between 2 - 3 times during the night for breastfeedings and I am concern about her teeth because she falls asleep while breastfeeding, I even notice that there is a little yellowing behind her teeth.
I work during the day and my son drinks Almond Milk during the day but when I go home he attacks me lol he still wakes up at night time and he will be one August 16th.
Whether it's replacing a pacifier 15 times, nursing three times, or picking your child up five times a night, these are all sleep associations that will make it harder for your child to fall asleep on their own during the long run.
My 9 month old baby boy still wakes up in the middle of the night around 12 am and 4:30 am for feeding how can I make him break this habit.Another thing is he will take during the day a 10 minute nap fighting it, he will do this about 3 times a day during the day time.He goes to sleep at 8:30 pm and wakes up @ 12 am for feeding and again at 4:30 am How to put this baby to sleep thru the whole night?Please help a desperate mom!!!!
While older toddlers and preschoolers may resist going to bed and may also wake up in the middle of the night, sleep problems for infants usually involve waking up multiple times during the night.
This camera is equipped with a night vision range up to 30 feet, with a clear and sharp HD image during both day and night time operation.
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