Sentences with phrase «up on a pedestal»

Being expected to be up on a pedestal like some kind of «Holy Role Model» instead of being an honest sinner like everyone else.
The way it is often taught and believed seems to limit the breath of God within Scripture, and puts Scripture up on a pedestal where God never intended it to be placed.
When we forget this, we miss out on understanding the gospel and we set pastors up on pedestals; and when this happens it is dangerous for both the pastor and the church.
If nothing else, keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing better to add, because close - minded and arrogant people up on their pedestals (whether they be the arrogant scientists criticizing religion or the arrogant Christians judging people's sins) are people I do NOT want to talk to.
Anyone who is a «follower» of Eddie Long needs to step back and take a seriously hard look at who you're putting up on that pedestal.
The missionaries also get put up on a pedestal so that when they return home on furlough, they have to conform to a certain standard of holy behavior which matches the pedestal that has been built for them.
Sometimes we put them up on a pedestal, they «disappoint» with their humanity and then we shoot»em down.
Each of these two ancient idols has now been set up on its pedestal again by the new paganism.
Gnocchi often gets put up on a pedestal.
Being a pro athlete puts most up on a pedestal.
He isn't big enough or brave enough to put Arsenal up on that pedestal, but it's also one of the reasons he's stayed so long.
Putting them up on that pedestal and expecting the doctor will make everything alright is not improving the situation for anyone.
I'm the last person to put hospital staff or doctors up on a pedestal, but I know that outside of sociopathy there is no chance that a doctor or nurse would refuse to help a NEWBORN BABY because they didn't like their parents.
I do believe that each form of exercise works in different ways and each person's body adapts differently but from experience strength training is up on a pedestal for me.
I love how you put yours up on pedestals!
Having hopes for a happy future is only natural, but I know from my own experience that putting the other person in a relationship up on a pedestal inevitably leads to disappointment.
If you're smart, witty, like to laugh and smile, if you like to go out one night and cuddle in front of a roaring fireplace the next, if you are looking for someone who will put you up on that pedestal and treat you with kindness, love and respect, you should consider getting in touch with me...
Remember, don't put yourself so high up on a pedestal that you end up there all alone.
The movie puts Michelle - an independent, empowered, black woman - up on a pedestal, which seems natural until you remember how rarely movies do this.
She's enough of a magnetic presence on her own, conveying Jessica's richly complex inner life while the young woman takes no bullshit from those around her, without the director feeling the need to prop her up on a pedestal.
It is so difficult not putting Nolan's fare up on a pedestal, and when the moment gets here it's almost like there would be nothing his efforts could do to appease.
Rather than pouring some wine and getting to know her better, Woodcock immediately — and literally — puts Alma up on a pedestal and starts building a dress on her.
It could be argued that the ostensible neutrality actually shields 13 Hours from becoming the next hotly - contested political drama, a fate Eastwood's chronicling of the deadliest sniper in American history fell victim to last year — though shots of a topless (and completely ripped) John Krasinski, who plays experienced military man Jack Silva and the montages of substantially muscly men doing substantially muscly - man things like flipping over massive tires and knocking out pull - ups like it ain't no thang, does nothing but prop America up on a pedestal that the innocent Libyans pictured herein have nary a prayer of mounting themselves.
... How many times do people simply get up on a pedestal and say we care about kids, and then you realize that they care about profits, they care about tax deductions, they care about privatizing the public system?
The Japanese company is putting the Ellure concept up on a pedestal with other great sedans from the firm's history, mostly notably the legendary Datsun 510.
But we're the customers who put them up on that pedestal.
He tried to tell my parents that I'd climbed up on the pedestal all by myself.
Girls were to be serenaded, put up on a pedestal, and worshipped.
It gives the character more humanity than any other character put up on a pedestal and makes sense in the context of this rich and zombie - filled world.
But no - you stick them up on a pedestal and worship them like a god.
Red Orchestra is not going to be for everyone, especially if you're the type of person who puts Call of Duty or Battlefield high up on a pedestal.
While gamers continue to put AAA titles up on a pedestal, they also continue to look down on titles that pack just as much value and entertainment into their smaller download sizes.
The problem with Schafer and his, shall we say... lack of time management acumen is that I think a lot of fans put him up on a pedestal as a genius game developer for so long, that when the several, repeated incidents of his poor management skill started to occur, it felt as if all their invested faith in the guy has been betrayed.
The staggered blocks beneath his feet positively shout that, yes, Monahan has put him up on a pedestal.
Yet both actors have to look after themselves, without getting up on a pedestal or down in your face.
Whether they want to put it up on a pedestal or sweep it under the rug, it happened, and attacking everyone who talks about it is counterintuitive to the idea that we as a world might learn from it.
Nothing like hiking one's self up on a pedestal, you understand...
They put being single up on a pedestal and imagine how great life would be without the responsibilities of marriage.
Pots and urns can be used as punctuation marks throughout a classical garden, raised up on pedestals or lined up along a walk.

Not exact matches

We put eight really cheap bikes in the audience and a nicer bike on a pedestal, propped up on some bricks,» recalls cofounder and CEO John Foley.
And the saddest thing about having to be on that «demigod» pedestal is that there are too many people in the pews who forcibly place you up there because it's easier to follow a fleshly person than it is to follow Jesus.
But we were the ones that placed them on the pedestal of impossible expectations, then we often work hard to keep them propped up there, and so of course it hurts when they tumbled right off.
Sometimes they wanted to be on that pedestal, believing in their own ridiculous hype, but most of the time, our heroes and our patron saints, our spiritual mothers and fathers, didn't want to be elevated up there, anyway, and are secretly relieved when it comes crashing down.
We need to reconsider both why they are on a pedestal, and how we treat them while they are up there.
A real conundrum I find with Christians of various theological persuasions is that they harp on how we must be engaged in studying the Bible, how the Bible is our guide in life, and hold the Bible on a pedestal, much like rabbinic Jews hold the Torah or Catholic hold up their Eucharist, but when it comes to the nitty - gritty of how they have come to know God, no matter how they explain it, it ends up being on the basis of experience.
In many ways, we have refused to step up onto the proverbial pedestal that those in ministry are often placed on.
You can understand why that is, maybe, to someone like me, why it was hard on me when you tumbled off of the pedestal I lovingly kept propped up for so many years.
I think it's because with simple foods, the flavors are recognizable, and if the few ingredients are actually good, then they're worth putting up on their own pedestal.
But I guess I need to be careful not to place this new city on too high of a pedestal — I would hate for it to not live up to my expectations and wind up unhappy.
I think certain players get put on an undeserved pedestal that can end up being a millstone round their neck.
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