Sentences with phrase «up to one's shoulders»

Use your legs to help get the weight up to shoulder height if you are using heavier weights.
Use this momentum to swing the weight up to shoulder height.
Keeping the elbows slightly bent and wrists straight, lift the arms up to shoulder level (palms face the floor).
From this starting position, lift your right arm up to shoulder height, palm down, at a wide angle out to your side.
Yoga helps the body regain and retain an upright posture from the back way up to the shoulders which is very crucial and important for a person practicing eLearning.
The back has a lace panel above the waist — luckily there's an opaque black panel that comes up to the shoulder blades.
He was able to get his arm up to his shoulder in my ass.
Within minutes, plaintiff lost all sensation in his legs, abdomen and eventually up to his shoulder blades.
Bring your left elbow up to shoulder height, forming a 90 - degree angle, with your thumb facing up.
As you're walking, bring your Heavy Hands up to shoulder height.
At the same time, bring arms straight up to shoulder height.
Lift one arm in front of you, raising up to shoulder height, and raise the other arm to the side, making an L shape with your arms.
Take a barbell (or dumbbell, or kettlebell) clean & press for example, which involves lifting a barbell from the floor up to shoulders, then push pressing overhead.
Bring your right knee up to your shoulder and pull it across with your left hand.
Starting with your arms straight, flex your elbows and curl the bar up to shoulder - height.
The medical maximum limit, is what the policy will pay up to should you need to go to the doctor, urgent care or hospital.
The bigger and more stationary TV screen your console is hooked up to should be easier to use while working out.
I gave them to my son and he had poop all the way up to his shoulders.
Raise your body off the floor then bring the weight up to your shoulder, letting the kettle bell hang behind your hand.
I don't know how tall the woman is in this photo at right, but the folded stroller nearly comes up to her shoulder!
«Clean» the dumbbell up to shoulder height by performing an upright row.
At the same time, bring arms straight up to shoulder height (b).
Form: While keeping your core muscles engaged, lift your arms up to shoulder height.
Bring your arms up to shoulder height, bent at the elbows and palms facing in (b).
The possibility of using more weight, like a barbell or machine, without having to get those weights up to shoulder position on your own power, like with dumbbells, is a tremendous advantage as well.
Be sure the bird stays on the hand or dowel and does not go up to the shoulder.
Stand with legs wide and holding Ugi in front of you, swing Ugi from between legs up to shoulder level and then back down between legs, thrust hips with each upward swing and continue in this manner swinging Ugi up and back down.
An easy way to lift a heavy dumbell up to your shoulder level so you can hand it over is to pick it up first on the outside of the plates with both hands, then deadlift it to a standing position.
Besides, hoisting heavy weights up to your shoulders while standing by using just your upper body is ridiculous and inefficient; the hips are far better at propelling weights up to the clean position.
Engage your hamstrings and lats to help propel the barbell up to shoulder height with your elbows bent and pointing out.
Baby Trio proceeded to crawl out of her blanket and up to my shoulder where she nibbled on my earlobe.
I bit the dust about seven times in a section where staying in the dark too long ends with death and the rot moved from my forearm all the way up to my shoulder before I moved beyond that point.
Drive from your heels and pull your navel in as you press back up to standing and bring the barbell back up to shoulder height (c).
When Christ tells me to take up my cross, I must picture Him lifting a cross up to His shoulder.
The lace of the wedding dress covered her massive arms but couldn't hide the tattoos that stretched from her wrists up to her shoulders.
I would normally use 70 % dark chocolate in my recipes but I'm linking this post up to We Should Cocoa — The January Challenge where our remit was to come up with something that contains chocolate but is sugar - free including the chocolate.
Squeeze in and climb up onto your bench, feet dangling, and balance there while your elbows rise up to shoulder level in order to stabilize yourself on the table edge; your little eyes barely able to see past the barrage of baggies and containers spread before you.
Plans for the US to access UK citizen's personal information via a shared international database are disturbing: we shouldn't sign up to it
The idea was to give physicians special hand control units that they could use to remotely activate sensors on the patient's vest, which would cover the body from the pubic bone up to the shoulders.
But leading up to this should be an entire spectrum of love - play, including touching, smiling, stroking, hand - holding, laughing, kissing, massage, hugging and talking.
«Starting with the knees and hips and working up to the shoulders, spine, and neck, how a person walks can have a huge impact on how pain develops later in life,» Young says.
For the oblique double crunch you bring your chest straight up as usual, but the legs are brought up to one side, think of your knees as coming up to your shoulder instead if center, and alternating sides for each rep. Arms are held outstretched along sides of body parallel to ground throughout the movement.
Swing the club a few degrees to the right to generate a stretch reflex and then rotate your shoulders to your left and swing the club up to shoulder level as you come up to a full standing position.
Roll the cylinder up to your shoulders and then back down to your midback by engaging your abs and lifting your hips slightly.
Step 2: Keeping your elbow in, bring the ball of the Steel Mace up to your shoulder.
Without swaying, swinging or lifting at the shoulders and keeping your upper arms at your sides, lift the barbell up in a wide arc from your thighs up to shoulder level.
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