Sentences with phrase «updated loan disclosure»

Due to increased appraisal turn - times and significant overhaul to updated loan disclosure forms and regulatory waiting periods, best industry practice is to add 15 days to standard 30 day timelines for non-cash buyers that require mortgage financing (i.e. contractual closing date of approximately 45 days if no additional contingencies or requirements).

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As of Friday, February 23, 2018, recent updates made to the Truth in Lending disclosure statement for unsecured consumer loans will take effect.
Because the document must be disclosed to borrowers at least three business days before their closing, the need for an updated disclosure could delay your originally scheduled loan closing.
The CFPB deemed these forms too confusing because fees, calculations, and explanations were spread across two separate multi-page disclosures, so the bureau updated the forms effective with all loan applications after October 3, 2015.
The lone industry commenter to argue that industry could successfully implement the final rule within 12 months asserted that such a period should be more than sufficient for industry to implement the new disclosures and update technology and software programs, as the current disclosure forms are already implemented in all loan origination software and could be updated quickly.
Because creditors will be updating software and compliance systems for these two disclosures at the same time as and in conjunction with the updating for the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure, the disclosures should be relatively easy to implement and the additional costs are likely to be minimal.
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