Sentences with phrase «upland soils»

Further, current models used to predict the release of climate - active CO2 from soils fail to account for these microscopic, oxygen - free zones present in many upland soils, they say.
Before, they attributed the persistence of the large carbon stocks in upland soils to other stabilization mechanisms.
In Finland, upland soil carbon stock changes are quantified using the Yasso07 soil model, in which variations in weather conditions can be taken into account.
This seemed to have little effect on the total uncertainty of the litter input, but the uncertainty of the upland soil carbon sink estimate multiplied.
Upland soil carbon sink accounts for approximately 20 % of the forest carbon sinks.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday the Japanese science ministry began to report measurements of cesium - 137 in upland soil around the plant.

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«We are also not in agreement to the insult of subjecting the appointment of our traditional rulers to the abominable consent of ljebu obas who came from the upland to meet us on our soil in the riverine environment.
When the river overflows its banks, it carries the soils from the floodplain and eroded upland agricultural soils down - stream creating sand dunes, mud flats, and deltas.»
Large contribution of boreal upland forest soils to a catchment - scale CH4 balance in a wet year.
Large contribution of boreal upland forest soils to a catchment - scale CH4 balance in a wet year.
Wind farms are typically built on upland sites, where peat soil is common.
Natali SM, Schuur EaG, Mauritz M, Schade JD, Celis G, Crummer KG, Johnston C, Krapek J, Pegoraro E, Salmon VG, Webb EE (2015) Permafrost thaw and soil moisture driving CO2 and CH4 release from upland tundra.
Abbott BW, Jones JB (2015) Permafrost collapse alters soil carbon stocks, respiration, CH4, and N2O in upland tundra.
The study, published in the journal Ecosystems, showed that methane emissions from tree trunks could upset the positive effect caused by the ability of upland forest soils to take up and store methane.
For the study, the researchers measured the carbon dioxide and methane fluxes of the soil and tree trunks» coarse woody debris (CWD) in a 30 - acre area of upland forest at Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area.
Upland (i.e., well - drained, oxic) soils are a net sink for atmospheric methane; as methane diffuses from the atmosphere into these soils, methane consuming (i.e., methanotrophic) bacteria oxidize it.
«Preparing the country for the impacts of climate change, such as the experience of the devastating winter floods of 2013/14, would bring so many benefits: more resilient wildlife communities, farming practices in the uplands that are profitable for farmers and retain and sustain their soils, and avoid the impacts of floods on economic disruption, public health and distress to those involved.
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