Sentences with phrase «uplifting posts»

I really enjoy reading all your inspirational and uplifting posts, Layla.
According to the report, angry or rage - filled posts on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter, spread far more quickly and were shared more often than good news or uplifting posts.
People have been commented on guests blogs «What Americans Can Learn from Israel and the Israel Defense Forces» like this one how inspiring and uplifting my posts have been.
Another yummy week and a great batch of reading for my weekend — looks like a lot of uplifting posts!
Sometimes I'll throw a post up on FB asking for some happy, uplifting posts or photos to brighten my day — and that actually works!
Thanks for sharing such uplifting posts and spreading love: — RRB - Kathrine
What a fabulous, uplifting post.
This is such an uplifting post!
Thanks for this uplifting post!
Very uplifting post, Rachel.
Uplift Post 4,703,558 views
Thank you for this informative, uplifting post, which I ran across because I was wondering what it would take to hit the USA Today best - seller list... without an omnibus.
Ruthie... Thanks for such an uplifting post.
Thanks once again for such an uplifting post Layla!
What a lovely, uplifting post!
This was a «put - a-smile-on-my-face,» uplifting post!
Another uplifting post!!!
Thank you for a another beautiful, uplifting post.
Thanks for another wonderful uplifting post.

Not exact matches

If you have ever been bombarded with Facebook posts about one person's success, followed by another and another, then you might understand that sometimes those «uplifting» and «motivating» posts can have the opposite effect, especially for someone with depression.
The site usually posts adorable videos of animals and other kinds of feel - good, uplifting content: stories and videos of police officers doing good for citizens, underdog stories, and kitchen hacks.
When we discovered that share buttons weren't appearing on mobile we added the SumoMe plugin and almost instantly saw an uplift in shares, as Kevan explained in a recent post:
Lorna is someone I admire & this uplifting story is one we need to see more of in these troubling times, thank you CNN for posting it.
Thanx for the recommendation and visit, Rhonda, though «uplifting» is not something I strive for i my writing, except for a few posts.
Furthermore, NGO - sponsored blog tours often produce posts that, as Karimentioned in a comment last week, can be painfully predictable — you know, «the way that the bloggers are overwhelmed and then uplifted and then come home and, you know, can't go to Wal - Mart without crying,» that sort of thing.
When the FAITH Movement began, in the 1970s, people were drawn to it because it ofered a coherent, uplifting and challenging message in the middle of post - hen the FAITH Movement began, in the 1970s, people were drawn to it because Vatican II confusion.
It is so uplifting to read your enthusiastic posts.
Her editorial — written for her freshman English class this summer — is among the first in a series of posts by other Uplift Plus students to be published by Carolina Parent.
Christy Garrett @ Uplifting Families recently posted... Smoking During Pregnancy — What Risks Are Involved For Me and My Baby?
Sure, these posts are sweet and uplifting, and it's great to see how much moms adore their families and all, but when all they do is post status updates that brag about how absolutely incredible their lives are, it kind of makes you want to stop following them...
I try my best to post nothing but encouraging, uplifting, optimistic and positive articles, photos and links about breastfeeding.
My followers loved these uplifting, beautiful images and as much as they drew inspiration from my posts.
Each time we post uplifting words or images on Instagram we can connect to people all over the world whom we've never met and may never meet.
Thank you once again for your compliments I've gotten more uplifting feedback / comments (luckily) than critical, hateful ones, and comments like yours make me grateful I shared this post from the start!
Moreover, what you wrote in this post is so true... I am having one of those bad days when nothing seems to fall in the right place and I needed to hear that eventually everything can change even tomorrow, so thanks for this uplifting injection!!!
I love reading posts like this, I always find it uplifting knowing other bloggers have the same passion as me.
Always uplifting to read a verse while reading blog posts.
Your posts always make me smile and uplift my spirit.
Not only are their daily posts encouraging and uplifting, but they keep their audience in the know on new arrivals, style tips, and sale alerts.
Thank you so much for sharing this uplifting, inspiring post with us at the Hearth and Soul Link Party.
Uplifting Families recently posted... 12 Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas
My mum always says «You got this» to me about anything and everything and I think it's sends such an uplifting message Cassie recently posted... Skin Woes — My never - ending battle with acne
12 Uplifting Podcasts You Need In Your Life This post may contain affiliate links.
Thank you for this uplifting and inspiring post.
Angela Bethea recently posted... Clarisonic Smart Profile Uplift
These lades are real, honest and uplifting at times, therefore I have nominated them to participate in the Tour Throuh Blog Land and they will post around September 30th.
Lovely post today, and a reminder that no matter how you're feeling, there is someone out there who needs your shoulder to lean on for just a moment — and the act of offering it itself can make you feel uplifted because you've helped them.
Our goal is to post articles that support, encourage, uplift, and commiserate with you!
While many districts along the Texas coast face closures for days or weeks to come, some have already posted uplifting responses on social media regarding their immense gratitude for the continued and generous support they are receiving from surrounding communities.
The previous year, Dad had borrowed a 109 - inch - wheelbase wagon from Rover so we could go to Wheeling, West Virginia, where the Wheeling Steel Company feted him grandly and presented us with a half ton of steel (still in Dad's backyard, with his name inscribed on it) after he'd celebrated the Lilliputian steelmaker's capitalist spirit in the pages of the Saturday Evening Post for its uplifting refusal to comply with President Kennedy's voluntary price controls.
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