Sentences with phrase «upon conversion»

The new premium upon conversion of the policy is based on the employee's age at the time..
Those funds hadn't been taxed ever before, so they would be subject to full income tax upon conversion.
Though condition of your health won't be a factor in the pricing of your premium upon conversion, your age will be.
In contrast, investors will want the unpaid dividends to be paid or to be converted into common stock upon conversion or liquidation.
I have seen complete transformations upon conversion however that lasts a lifetime.
Schools with a religious character will keep that religious character upon conversion to academy status.
But the prices of many trusts have declined, and could drop even more upon conversion, depending on their dividend policies.
Upon conversion there will be a one - time premium increase.
But I found out today that my North American policy, while convertible to a guaranteed permanent policy, loses the accelerated death benefit upon conversion.
Michael Fearnow told Shkreli that the Desert Gateway shell included the opportunity to allocate freely - tradable Desert Gateway shares issuable upon the conversion of a convertible note held by a relative, Troy Fearnow (the «Fearnow Shares»).
Of that $ 20,000, $ 13,000 was taxable upon the conversion, and $ 7,000 was not because it came from nondeductible IRA contributions.
Her vagueness, although frustrating, is consistent with her emphasis upon conversion as the prerequisite for concrete, local solutions: «Only by understanding how the web of life works can we also learn to sustain it rather than destroy it.
Once you have acquired 100 conversions for that particular pixel, you can then create a look - alike audience based upon that conversion pixel.
Any MH - 60 can be converted into a DAP using the kits created by the 160th, but it loses its ability to carry troops upon conversion.
And while it's an overstatement to narrate conversion in terms of a change in nature — Abram's becoming Abraham doesn't imperil the integrity of his human nature; nor still Sarai's becoming Sarah, or Jacob's Israel, Saul's Paul, and so ever on — equally slippery is gross understatement, or intimating that nothing of metaphysical interest happens upon conversion.
In a letter to friends and family upon his conversion, Mattox, previously a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, wrote that «the pull» of Catholicism was stronger that «the push» away from Lutheranism.
Lew Alcindor has chosen to be listed on the Buck roster this season by the name he received upon his conversion to the Islamic faith three years ago.
As the school's staff, assets and contracts will transfer to the academy trust upon conversion, it is also recommended that you start to collate details of these including details of any assets and contracts you would like excluded from the transfer.
Depending upon the conversion rate, you could bank on X sales for every Y readers.
Your traditional IRA will be shrunken, and hence so too will the tax bill due upon conversion.
Depending on the type of conversion, reorganization can offer a potential financial benefit to policyholders, who gain shares in the insurer upon conversion to a stock format.
In decision 1 / CMP.8, the Parties decided that for the second commitment period, the Adaptation Fund shall be further augmented through a 2 per cent share of the proceeds levied on the first international transfers of AAUs and the issuance of ERUs for Article 6 projects immediately upon the conversion to ERUs of AAUs or RMUs previously held by Parties.
The key features of the rider are: (a) you maintain the original health rating from the term policy upon conversion, even if you later have health issues or become uninsurable, and (b) you decide when and how much of the coverage to convert.
It also suggests that although the schools gained extra income upon conversion, little of this additional money was spent on frontline service such as extra teachers or learning resources.
In that case, the shares issuable upon conversion of the convertible debt should probably be in the pre-money valuation.
However, IF you do not have the available CASH in the account to begin with then you may have to execute a sell order in order to «free up» the cash necessary to pay for the tax upon the conversion.
Since the contributions to the traditional IRA are post-tax contributions (you have already paid tax on this money), only the earnings will be taxable upon conversion
Any Class A Common issued upon conversion of Class B Common will be issued in the name or names you specified in the form.
Consists of (i) 9,809,637 shares of Class C capital stock to be issued upon exercise of outstanding stock options and vesting of outstanding GSUs that were distributed as a dividend to the issued and outstanding Class A stock options and GSUs in April 2014 in connection with the Stock Split; and (ii) 11,913,110 shares of Class C capital stock to be issued upon conversion of GSUs that were granted under our 2012 Stock Plan during 2014.
Based on the number of common shares currently outstanding, if all of the U.S. $ 1 billion of Debentures were converted, the common shares issued upon conversion would represent approximately 16 % of the common shares outstanding after giving effect to the conversion.
The company then registers with the SEC the resale of the common stock issued in the private placement, or issued upon conversion of the convertible securities issued in the private placement.
Yesterday you told me that I would receive the «truth» from god and become a better person «upon my conversion».
I am sure that, upon your conversion, you would find similar revelations.
The cartoon seems to imply, that upon conversion, one quits thinking.
There is no doubt that Paul himself upon his conversion experienced an «about - face» that gave him not only a new center of loyalty in Christ, but a moral dedication which was broader in its range, more sensitive in its insights into the nature of the «fruit of the Spirit,» than before.
Upon his conversion, Charles de Foucauld — a French monk and hermit — was ready to live all - out for God in some monastery or other.
BFC Preferred could see a reduction to its conversion price of 15 % -25 %, and thereby gain an additional 300,000 - 500,000 shares upon conversion.
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