Sentences with phrase «upon human affairs»

Only the full experience of this capacity can bestow upon human affairs faith and hope, those two essential characteristics of human existence which Greek antiquity ignored altogether, discounting the keeping of faith as a very uncommon and not too important virtue and counting hope among the evils of illusion in Pandora's box.
Neither shall I here attempt to examine the economic and political problems created by the intrusion of nuclear energy upon human affairs.

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Each of the eleven essays in On the Unseriousness of Human Affairs reflects upon an important, but all - too - often overlooked, fact: «It is only when we realize that human affairs stand not simply by themselves but relate us to our end» to our transcendent destiny» that we can relax about what we are, indeed, become what we are.&rHuman Affairs reflects upon an important, but all - too - often overlooked, fact: «It is only when we realize that human affairs stand not simply by themselves but relate us to our end» to our transcendent destiny» that we can relax about what we are, indeed, become what we are.Affairs reflects upon an important, but all - too - often overlooked, fact: «It is only when we realize that human affairs stand not simply by themselves but relate us to our end» to our transcendent destiny» that we can relax about what we are, indeed, become what we are.&rhuman affairs stand not simply by themselves but relate us to our end» to our transcendent destiny» that we can relax about what we are, indeed, become what we are.affairs stand not simply by themselves but relate us to our end» to our transcendent destiny» that we can relax about what we are, indeed, become what we are.»
History is indeed a moral order, in which judgements of the living God take effect; but this view can not be fully verified upon the plane of history as we know it, since there is an irreducible element of tragedy in human affairs.
Interestingly enough, what is suggested here is the same point upon which we have already insisted: that life for human beings is a process of «becoming» and is not to be understood as an entirely completed and finished affair.
Our destiny is to be in God but whether this is negative or positive will depend upon the openness of the human person to the divine Love and the expression of that Love in and through the affairs of our daily living.
Reflecting, even briefly, on the state of affairs which might evoke this universal love in the human heart, a love so often vainly dreamed of, but which now leaves the fields of Utopia to reveal itself as both possible and necessary, we are brought to the following conclusion: that for men upon earth, all the earth, to learn to love one another, it is not enough that they should know themselves to be members of one and the same thing; in «planetizing» themselves they must acquire the consciousness, without losing themselves, of becoming one and the same person.
But it is the combination of community and contrast that is most interesting, since often this is not adequately understood and, therefore, needs a particularly emphatic statement, even today when we are obliged to agree with Willkie and acknowledge that what happens anywhere in the world of human affairs has its affect upon what happens to us, whoever and wherever we may happen to live.
This four session course contains useful information about our current state of affairs based upon human - caused climate change, how we got here and what we can do to change course.
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