Sentences with phrase «upon human beings»

In this way, we can fix our gaze upon the human being, and have that gaze clarified, expanded and enriched.
I am not into head games or playing with people emotions in any way, I won't pass judgment upon another human being.
Look wearily upon any human being who ever put on a George W. Bush tee shirt.
This recognition of the intrinsic value of the nonhuman world, and of its claim upon human beings, involves a deep shift for the Western psyche, raising a whole range of questions to which we are not accustomed.
Aristotle's Ethics and Aquinas» Summa Theologica are alike efforts to delineate the limits that nature — thus, natural law — places upon human beings, and each seeks to educate man about how best to live within those limits, through the practice of virtues, in order to achieve a condition of human flourishing.
To rely upon another human being to such an extent is the height of folly, and religion has never been honorable except by proxy and illusion.
Contrary to the currently prevailing views — promoted by global warming alarmists, by Al Gore's preaching, by the IPCC, or by the Stern Report — the increase in global temperatures in the last years, decades and centuries has been very small and because of its size practically negligible in its actual impact upon human beings and their activities.
Religion Teacher teaches the role of religion and its influence upon human beings and society.
To see bestowing their full attention upon another human being as a significant favor.
Truth, like love, «is neither planned nor willed, but somehow imposes itself upon human beings» (Deus Caritas Est, 3)» (CiV 34).
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