Sentences with phrase «upon ideas of self»

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-- Ego depletion refers to the idea that self - control or willpower draw upon a limited pool of mental resources that can be used up.
The close relation that exists between the notions of «sexuality,» «self,» «identity,» «fulfillment,» and «right» makes clear the links between the ideas that underlie the revisionist proposals of the new reformers and those upon which modern political society is founded.
If by God's «glory» we understand a majestic court scene in which God is seated upon a great throne, lording it over the creation and gloating in his divine magnificence, then the phrase suggests ideas that are the exact opposite of the «Galilean vision» of the Love which is self - giving, gladly receptive, utterly ungrudging in generous openness to all that occurs in the created order.
Selfishness must be transformed by enlarging the idea of what the self is, expanding the personality until it takes in our friends, our community, our nation, our world, so that one does not need to stamp upon his self, but can say,
But it depends upon their giving up both their uncritical acceptance of the present ideology of modernization identifying it with Christianity and any revival of primalism in a militant and fundamentalist way in the name of their self - identity, and evaluating both modernity and tradition in the light of Christian personalism i.e. the idea of human beings as persons in community, and all natural and social functions as sacramental means of communion in the purpose of God.
I shall emphasize this awareness as God - given, not self - generated: but in our present experience God works in and through our thoughts and aspirations — inspiring new ideas, certainly, but building these upon the foundations of previous ideas, not out of a vacuum.
It is precisely because Parliamentary sovereignty, as it has evolved, looks only to executive policy as the fulcrum of constitutional change that ideas — however good and however brave — will be dashed upon the rocks of executive insouciance unless they resonate with what the executive sees as being in its self - interest.
First, when it comes to articulated beliefs about what constitutes appropriate instruction for early adolescents, both groups are proponents of instruction that: (1) is theme based, (2) is interdisciplinary, (3) fosters student self - direction and independence, (4) promotes self - understanding, (5) incorporates basic skills, (6) is relevant to the learner and thus based on study of significant problems, (7) is student - centered, (8) promotes student discovery, (9) values group interaction, (10) is built upon student interest, (11) encourages critical and creative exploration of ideas, and (12) promotes student self - evaluation (e.g., Currier, 1986; Kaplan, 1979; Maker & Nielson, 1995; Stevenson, 1992).
Literary Agent Undercover is built upon the simple idea that it's much better to «get paid to publish» instead of «pay to publish» and waste years of your life (and possibly thousands — or tens of thousands — of dollars self - publishing or working with vanity presses.
«Ancienne Rive,» meaning ancient river, calls upon ideas of history, authenticity, and something with deep roots, which contradicts the artist's self proclaimed feelings of loneliness, foreign alienation and the notion of being both nowhere and everywhere.
Sexual and surreal, Marianna Ignataki's works on paper exude fantastical ideas of life and the self upon confronting the stagnancies of our present day world.
When Mickalene Thomas was at Yale a little over a decade ago to get her MFA, she had already landed upon her subject matter: identity and representation of the self, channeled through the ideas of artists like Cindy Sherman and Adrian Piper as well as the outsize personae of figures like Mary J. Blige, Donna Summer, and Eartha Kitt.
I had an exhibition at the David Zwirner Gallery in London in October of 2014 and the idea of that show with its title — the title was — Look See and it really was about looking and seeing and about seeing one's self, presenting one's self to be seen, presenting one's self to be photographed, and also being looked in upon by someone who might be an intimate of the person because the space that you, as the spectator, would be occupying is the space in which somebody who is familiar would be in.
This is what climate change skepticism has become; an attack upon the idea of redressing climate change, by strong self reinforcing self convincing, that the science reality itself doesn't pose a huge threat to the stability and moderate - ness of our climate; and there are sites and outlays of information and rhetoric everywhere that feed on this and make it seem more and more legitimate and increasingly self fulfilling.
Growing up, I learned that self - esteem was critical, but the idea of self - compassion was less focused upon.
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