Sentences with phrase «upon my close scrutiny»

Yet another apparent difference between Rorty and Palmer reveals, upon closer scrutiny, the presence of a common spirit or at least a common undertaking between the two men, one that manifests itself most fully in something of a quest for community.
Upon closer scrutiny, methinks it is a non-seeded full baguette.
Virtually everything else, based upon my close scrutiny of his record, is in doubt.
Those moments are noticeable upon close scrutiny, but they're not the point of controversy.
Its tale of ace safecracker and dangerous drunk Willie (Billy Bob Thornton), brought on board an annual mall Santa scam by criminal mastermind Marcus (Tony Cox), isn't all that inventive upon closer scrutiny, with Zwigoff's interest in the peculiarities of loneliness exhibiting themselves this time as caustic to no end and displeasingly bitter.
However, upon close scrutiny, this claim proves to be untenable.
Upon Closer Scrutiny... Let's look more closely at equities» long - term outperformance.
Beautiful and enigmatic, they reveal, upon closer scrutiny, constellations of names, ideas, dates, quotes and loose bits of information entangled in wavering lines and undulating scribbles.
But upon close scrutiny the phase did not overlap in any consistent pattern.
The other day I was at an event and the lady sitting next to me, I swear her card had the white and purple colours of another brokerage and upon closer scrutiny she's with RLP!

Not exact matches

However, upon further study, close scrutiny of the fossilised bones has revealed that it is a completely new dinosaur.
Let's hope that Sam Dillon's excellent article is the beginning of much closer scrutiny of the influence of billionaires, who are accountable to no one, on the institution which in the words of Thomas Jefferson is «the anvil upon which democracy is forged.»
But Supreme Court decisions in the last fifty years call for closer scrutiny of government action touching upon minority group interests and of federal action in areas of traditional state concern.
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